
This document is for an old release of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy_test.base.instrument

""" Utilities to help instrument tool tests.

Including structured data nose plugin that allows storing arbitrary structured
data on a per test case basis - used by tool test to store inputs,
output problems, job tests, etc... but could easily by used by other test
types in a different way.

import json
import threading

from nose.plugins import Plugin

NO_JOB_DATA = object()
JOB_DATA = threading.local()
JOB_DATA.new = True

[docs]def register_job_data(data): if not JOB_DATA.new: return JOB_DATA.data = data JOB_DATA.new = False
[docs]def fetch_job_data(): try: if JOB_DATA.new: return NO_JOB_DATA else: return JOB_DATA.data finally: JOB_DATA.new = True
[docs]class StructuredTestDataPlugin(Plugin): name = 'structureddata'
[docs] def options(self, parser, env): super().options(parser, env=env) parser.add_option( '--structured-data-file', action='store', dest='structured_data_file', metavar="FILE", default=env.get('NOSE_STRUCTURED_DATA', 'structured_test_data.json'), help=("Path to JSON file to store the Galaxy structured data report in." "Default is structured_test_data.json in the working directory " "[NOSE_STRUCTURED_DATA]"))
[docs] def configure(self, options, conf): super().configure(options, conf) self.conf = conf if not self.enabled: return self.tests = [] self.structured_data_report_file = open(options.structured_data_file, 'w')
[docs] def finalize(self, result): pass
def _handle_result(self, test, *args, **kwds): job_data = fetch_job_data() id = test.id() has_data = job_data is not NO_JOB_DATA entry = { 'id': id, 'has_data': has_data, 'data': job_data if has_data else None, } self.tests.append(entry) addError = _handle_result addFailure = _handle_result addSuccess = _handle_result
[docs] def report(self, stream): report_obj = { 'version': '0.1', 'tests': self.tests, } json.dump(report_obj, self.structured_data_report_file) self.structured_data_report_file.close()