
This document is for an old release of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.webapps.reports.controllers.home

import calendar
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import sqlalchemy as sa

from galaxy import model
from galaxy.webapps.base.controller import BaseUIController, web
from galaxy.webapps.reports.controllers.query import ReportQueryBuilder

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class HomePage(BaseUIController, ReportQueryBuilder):
[docs] @web.expose def run_stats(self, trans, **kwd): message = '' end_date = datetime.utcnow() end_date = datetime(end_date.year, end_date.month, end_date.day, end_date.hour) end_date_buffer = datetime(end_date.year, end_date.month, end_date.day, end_date.hour + 1) start_hours = end_date - timedelta(1) start_days = end_date - timedelta(30) jf_hr_data = [0] * 24 jf_dy_data = [0] * 30 jc_hr_data = [0] * 24 jc_dy_data = [0] * 30 et_hr_data = [] et_dy_data = [] recent_jobs = sa.select( ( (model.Job.table.c.id), (model.Job.table.c.create_time).label('create_time'), (model.Job.table.c.update_time).label('update_time') ) ) for job in recent_jobs.execute(): if(job.create_time >= start_days and job.create_time < end_date_buffer): if(job.create_time >= start_hours and job.create_time < end_date_buffer): # Get the creation time for the jobs in the past day end_day = end_date.day start_day = job.create_time.day end_hour = end_date.hour start_hour = job.create_time.hour if(end_day != start_day): hours = (end_hour + 24) - start_hour else: hours = end_hour - start_hour if(hours < 24): jc_hr_data[int(hours)] += 1 else: jc_dy_data[23] += 1 # Get the creation time for jobs in the past 30 days end_month = end_date.month start_month = job.create_time.month end_day = end_date.day start_day = job.create_time.day if(end_month != start_month): month_weekday, month_range = calendar.monthrange(job.create_time.year, job.create_time.month) day = (end_day + month_range) - start_day else: day = end_day - start_day if(day < 30): jc_dy_data[int(day)] += 1 if(job.update_time >= start_days and job.update_time < end_date_buffer): if(job.update_time >= start_hours and job.update_time < end_date_buffer): # Get the time finishedfor the jobs in the past day end_day = end_date.day start_day = job.update_time.day end_hour = end_date.hour start_hour = job.update_time.hour if(end_day != start_day): hours = (end_hour + 23) - start_hour else: hours = end_hour - start_hour if(hours < 24): jf_hr_data[int(hours)] += 1 # Get the Elapsed Time for said job time = (job.update_time - job.create_time) seconds = time.seconds minutes = seconds // 60 et_hr_data.append(minutes) # Get the time the job finished and run time in the 30 days end_month = end_date.month start_month = job.update_time.month end_day = end_date.day start_day = job.update_time.day if(end_month != start_month): month_weekday, month_range = calendar.monthrange(job.update_time.year, job.update_time.month) day = (end_day + (month_range - 1)) - start_day else: day = end_day - start_day if(day < 30): jf_dy_data[int(day)] += 1 # Get the Elapsed Time for said job time = (job.update_time - job.create_time) seconds = time.seconds minutes = seconds // 60 et_dy_data.append(minutes) return trans.fill_template('/webapps/reports/run_stats.mako', jf_hr_data=jf_hr_data, jf_dy_data=jf_dy_data, jc_hr_data=jc_hr_data, jc_dy_data=jc_dy_data, et_hr_data=et_hr_data, et_dy_data=et_dy_data, message=message)