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Source code for galaxy.job_metrics.instrumenters.cgroup

"""The module describes the ``cgroup`` job metrics plugin."""
import logging
import numbers
from collections import namedtuple

from galaxy.util import asbool, nice_size
from . import InstrumentPlugin
from .. import formatting

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "memory.memsw.max_usage_in_bytes": "Max memory usage (MEM+SWP)",
    "memory.max_usage_in_bytes": "Max memory usage (MEM)",
    "memory.limit_in_bytes": "Memory limit on cgroup (MEM)",
    "memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes": "Memory limit on cgroup (MEM+SWP)",
    "memory.soft_limit_in_bytes": "Memory softlimit on cgroup",
    "memory.failcnt": "Failed to allocate memory count",
    "memory.oom_control.oom_kill_disable": "OOM Control enabled",
    "memory.oom_control.under_oom": "Was OOM Killer active?",
    "cpuacct.usage": "CPU Time"
    "memory.oom_control.oom_kill_disable": lambda x: "No" if x == 1 else "Yes",
    "memory.oom_control.under_oom": lambda x: "Yes" if x == 1 else "No",
    "cpuacct.usage": lambda x: formatting.seconds_to_str(x / 10**9)  # convert nanoseconds
if [ -e "/proc/$$/cgroup" -a -d "{cgroup_mount}" ]; then
    cgroup_path=$(cat "/proc/$$/cgroup" | awk -F':' '($2=="cpuacct,cpu") || ($2=="cpu,cpuacct") {{print $3}}');
    for f in {cgroup_mount}/{{cpu\,cpuacct,cpuacct\,cpu}}$cgroup_path/{{cpu,cpuacct}}.*; do
        if [ -f "$f" ]; then
            echo "__$(basename $f)__" >> {metrics}; cat "$f" >> {metrics} 2>/dev/null;
""".replace("\n", " ").strip()
if [ -e "/proc/$$/cgroup" -a -d "{cgroup_mount}" ]; then
    cgroup_path=$(cat "/proc/$$/cgroup" | awk -F':' '$2=="memory"{{print $3}}');
    for f in {cgroup_mount}/memory$cgroup_path/memory.*; do
        echo "__$(basename $f)__" >> {metrics}; cat "$f" >> {metrics} 2>/dev/null;
""".replace("\n", " ").strip()

Metric = namedtuple("Metric", ("key", "subkey", "value"))

class CgroupPluginFormatter(formatting.JobMetricFormatter):

    def format(self, key, value):
        title = TITLES.get(key, key)
        if key in CONVERSION:
            return title, CONVERSION[key](value)
        elif key.endswith("_bytes"):
                return title, nice_size(value)
            except ValueError:
        elif isinstance(value, numbers.Number) and value == int(value):
            value = int(value)
        return title, value

[docs]class CgroupPlugin(InstrumentPlugin): """ Plugin that collects memory and cpu utilization from within a cgroup. """ plugin_type = "cgroup" formatter = CgroupPluginFormatter()
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.verbose = asbool(kwargs.get("verbose", False)) self.cgroup_mount = kwargs.get("cgroup_mount", "/sys/fs/cgroup") params_str = kwargs.get("params", None) if params_str: params = [v.strip() for v in params_str.split(",")] else: params = TITLES.keys() self.params = params
[docs] def post_execute_instrument(self, job_directory): commands = [] commands.append(self.__record_cgroup_cpu_usage(job_directory)) commands.append(self.__record_cgroup_memory_usage(job_directory)) return commands
[docs] def job_properties(self, job_id, job_directory): metrics = self.__read_metrics(self.__cgroup_metrics_file(job_directory)) return metrics
def __record_cgroup_cpu_usage(self, job_directory): # comounted cgroups (which cpu and cpuacct are on the supported Linux distros) can appear in any order (cpu,cpuacct or cpuacct,cpu) return CPU_USAGE_TEMPLATE.format(metrics=self.__cgroup_metrics_file(job_directory), cgroup_mount=self.cgroup_mount) def __record_cgroup_memory_usage(self, job_directory): return MEMORY_USAGE_TEMPLATE.format(metrics=self.__cgroup_metrics_file(job_directory), cgroup_mount=self.cgroup_mount) def __cgroup_metrics_file(self, job_directory): return self._instrument_file_path(job_directory, "_metrics") def __read_metrics(self, path): metrics = {} key = None with open(path) as infile: for line in infile: try: metric, key = self.__read_key_value(line.strip(), key) except Exception: log.exception("Caught exception attempting to read metric from cgroup line: %s", line) metric = None if not metric: continue self.__add_metric(metrics, metric) return metrics def __add_metric(self, metrics, metric): if metric and (metric.subkey in self.params or self.verbose): metrics[metric.subkey] = metric.value def __read_key_value(self, line, key): if line.startswith('__') and line.endswith('__'): # line is the beginning of a new param key = line[2:][:-2] return (None, key) elif line.count(" ") == 1: # line has a subkey subkey, value = line.split(" ", 1) subkey = ".".join((key, subkey)) else: # line does not have a subkey subkey = key value = line value = self.__type_value(value) return (Metric(key, subkey, value), key) def __type_value(self, value): try: try: return int(value) except ValueError: return float(value) except ValueError: return value
__all__ = ('CgroupPlugin', )