.. to_doc 23.0 =============================== .. announce_start Enhancements ------------------------------- .. major_feature .. feature * Add AWS Batch runner (thanks to `@qiagu `__). `Pull Request 13466`_ * Implement initial GA4GH DRS Support (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 13949`_ * Add support for sorting contents in data libraries (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 14300`_ * Feature: Advanced Tool Search Menu (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 14391`_ * Add "Datatypes" Page (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14464`_ * A replacement for manage_db.sh + rewrite of migration system documentation (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 14537`_ * Adding Bulk Datatype Change to Collection Edit (thanks to `@assuntad23 `__). `Pull Request 14646`_ * History drag and drop (thanks to `@itisAliRH `__). `Pull Request 14659`_ * Enable fine-grained celery configuration (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 14708`_ * visjs-based transition system visualization (thanks to `@xtrojak `__). `Pull Request 14766`_ * feat: mamba support for mulled-build (thanks to `@johanneskoester `__). `Pull Request 14770`_ * implement undeleting a workflow (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 14794`_ * 6493/feature/undelete workflows (thanks to `@assuntad23 `__). `Pull Request 14816`_ * Add task-based history export tracking (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 14839`_ * Implement conditional workflow steps (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14846`_ * Add global drag and drop upload (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14905`_ * Add interactive tool for Mgnify Jupyter lab (thanks to `@bebatut `__). `Pull Request 14950`_ * Fix subworkflow map-over (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14954`_ * pinia-based store for active IT entry points (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 15030`_ * Add interactive tool for Pavian (thanks to `@bebatut `__). `Pull Request 15068`_ * Add autogenerated typescript API client & use it (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15106`_ * Filter Inputs and Outputs in HistoryPanel (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 15210`_ * Add Theme support (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15252`_ * Modernize workflow editor state handling (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15268`_ * Implement conditional workflow editor UI, optional connections, track and display invalid connections (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15328`_ .. enhancement_tag_viz * Fix ``x-accel-redirect`` handling and implement byte-range handling (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14990`_ .. enhancement_tag_datatypes * Enable conversion of bz2 files to gz in converter (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15590`_ * Replace pysam in converters by command line tools (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 13411`_ * Add datatypes for Sybila tools (thanks to `@xtrojak `__). `Pull Request 14362`_ * Add CASTEP datatypes (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14504`_ * Remove legacy tool shed datatype handling (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14617`_ * Add support for the PSL data format (thanks to `@gregvonkuster `__). `Pull Request 14813`_ * Add ludwig report datatype (thanks to `@qiagu `__). `Pull Request 14903`_ * Display model diagram for h5mlm datatype (thanks to `@qiagu `__). `Pull Request 14992`_ * Enable Tabix download + New datatype JuicerMediumTabix in 22.05 (thanks to `@lldelisle `__). `Pull Request 15024`_ * Type hints for datatypes (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 15052`_ * Add wiff2 composite/tar datatypes (thanks to `@neoformit `__). `Pull Request 15249`_ * Add linting with ruff (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15315`_ * Add ecology type section + hdr and bil datatypes (thanks to `@yvanlebras `__). `Pull Request 15337`_ * add xsd datatype (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 15344`_ .. enhancement_tag_tools * Update interactivetool_ml_jupyter_notebook.xml (thanks to `@anuprulez `__). `Pull Request 15297`_ * Support empty compressed dataset in filter_empty_datasets tool (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14360`_ * Type annotations for base toolbox functionality. (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14629`_ .. enhancement_tag_workflows * Improve performance for rendering and changing large workflows (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15776`_ * Display dialog when saving workflow with invalid connections (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15817`_ * Find correct collection type if collection_type_source points at input of "any" collection type (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15823`_ * Mark disconnected required inputs in editor (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15357`_ * Add workflow invocations link to email template (thanks to `@hujambo-dunia `__). `Pull Request 14062`_ * Add Workflow Invocation Tabs (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 14069`_ * Add some type annotations (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14356`_ * Implement RO Crate export of Galaxy histories and invocations (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14595`_ * Bring BioCompute exports under invocation export framework (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14620`_ * Enable simplified workflow with optional disconnected data inputs (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14643`_ * Add some type annotations to workflow-related code (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14717`_ * TRS import via URL (thanks to `@fbacall `__). `Pull Request 14927`_ * Order steps relation of workflow_invocation by order_index (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14946`_ * Fix all B027 errors reported by new flake8-bugbear (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14952`_ * Improve type annotations for model store (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15081`_ * Misc fixes 202301 (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15275`_ .. enhancement_tag_ui * Client build performance tweak backport (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15911`_ * Allow configuring webpack devserver port (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15379`_ * Client README updates, watch/serve tweaks (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15380`_ * Convert Client to Single Page application (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 13984`_ * Upgrade to Vue2.7 (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14250`_ * Better tabular/csv file splitting (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14396`_ * Add and document make target for skipping the client build (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14404`_ * Add "About this Galaxy" page (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14461`_ * Tool form improvements (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14549`_ * Use hsluv to generate colors instead of hsl (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14587`_ * Upgrade vue2-jest to 29.1.0 (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14623`_ * Add minimal tsconfig for type completion (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14741`_ * Test upgrade to bootstrap-vue 2.23 (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14850`_ * New nodejs LTS - 18 (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14901`_ * Upgrade vue-router to latest 3x series for composition api usage (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14916`_ * Pinia history store init (thanks to `@itisAliRH `__). `Pull Request 15049`_ * Set accessible default font (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15062`_ * Typescript configuration updates, integration with vue and the primary app (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15097`_ * TS config and linting tweaks (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15121`_ * Upgrade Jest from v27 to v29 (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15126`_ * Standardize local package imports with @ alias in TypeScript (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15169`_ * Properly annotate `model_class` fields as const and required in openAPI schema (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15173`_ * Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /client (thanks to `@galaxyproject `__). `Pull Request 15270`_ * Increase memory limit of dev server (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15334`_ * Update prettier (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15335`_ * Preliminary prebuilt client support (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15339`_ .. enhancement_tag_jobs * Adding GPU support to Galaxy (thanks to `@gulsumgudukbay `__). `Pull Request 12775`_ * Improved logging for some flakey integration tests (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14117`_ * Add some integration tests for the job files API (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14137`_ * Deprecate `cluster_files_directory` and store DRMAA job template and PBS shell, error and out files in job working directory (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 14430`_ * Refactor dynamic destination mapper (thanks to `@qiagu `__). `Pull Request 14472`_ * Misc fixes 202208 (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14524`_ * Configurable get IP method for container monitor (thanks to `@natefoo `__). `Pull Request 14695`_ * Update pulsar-galaxy-lib to 0.14.16 (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14748`_ * Pulsar infrastructure improvements for TES execution and MQ-less Kubernetes (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14777`_ * Allow LSF Cli submission to detect walltime reached (thanks to `@selten `__). `Pull Request 14917`_ * Replace XML job conf sample with YAML (thanks to `@natefoo `__). `Pull Request 15018`_ .. enhancement_tag_admin * Use sentry-fastapi integration, expose sampling rate (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15553`_ * Add documentation how to avoid data modification by tools (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 14239`_ * Update docs on adding Python dependencies (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14593`_ * Allow path-based interactive tools using nginx proxy (thanks to `@sveinugu `__). `Pull Request 14694`_ * Extend security docs (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 14740`_ * Dev html email (thanks to `@neoformit `__). `Pull Request 14825`_ * Add LDAP authenticator variant using `ldap3` package (thanks to `@mahendrapaipuri `__). `Pull Request 14849`_ * Updated docs with nginx config for upstream proxy of path-based Interactive tools (thanks to `@sveinugu `__). `Pull Request 15227`_ * Move theme selector to user preferences (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 15256`_ .. enhancement * Fix history annotation filtering: make it case insensitive (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15897`_ * Backport - Use Animation Frame in Workflow Editor (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15751`_ * Workflow Editor Minimap Performance (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15754`_ * Add option to disable the fetch_data celery task (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 15767`_ * Dataset Counts Toggle (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15810`_ * Fix Invocation RO-Crate metadata (thanks to `@pauldg `__). `Pull Request 15841`_ * Make options text clear for datasets list (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15410`_ * Reduce workflow tool form request frequency (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 15426`_ * Workflow editor minimap rework (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15463`_ * More comfortable initial pan for workflow editor (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15466`_ * Test validators for optional parameters (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15491`_ * More responsive clientside search (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15545`_ * Automatically sort tools in sections by name (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 12288`_ * Add duplicate_file_to_collection tool (thanks to `@simonbray `__). `Pull Request 12999`_ * Report resolution cache miss for galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_reso… (thanks to `@brinkmanlab `__). `Pull Request 13608`_ * expect_test_failure: also test if no failure was found (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 13815`_ * Drop nose (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 13909`_ * Allow any as value for boolean default parameters in filter text (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 13973`_ * Implement initial tool shed API tests (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 13977`_ * New history multiple view (thanks to `@itisAliRH `__). `Pull Request 13985`_ * Refactor uses_shed.py so test_base doesn't depend on galaxy-app (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14010`_ * Rename samples_tool_conf to sample_tool_conf (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14035`_ * Slightly modernized and standardized API error handling (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14118`_ * Combine Convert and Datatypes forms (thanks to `@hujambo-dunia `__). `Pull Request 14159`_ * Decouple galaxy-app and galaxy-selenium (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14188`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 14195`_ * Upgrade to Selenium 4.3.0 (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14207`_ * Enhance history ContentItem buttons appearance (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 14222`_ * Enhance `library folder contents` search API (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 14236`_ * Improve robustness of tus upload and calculation of progress (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14246`_ * add doc and linting for test output compare attribute (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 14247`_ * Relocate dynamic outputs for CWL jobs (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14254`_ * Replace CoC with link to new webpage (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14327`_ * Update WorkflowInvocationExportOptions.vue (thanks to `@biocompute-objects `__). `Pull Request 14333`_ * Try fixing Gitpod configuration? (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14350`_ * Add bio.tools ids for 2000 tools (thanks to `@astrovsky01 `__). `Pull Request 14366`_ * Mark galaxy packages as containing typing information (thanks to `@mr-c `__). `Pull Request 14367`_ * type hints that cwltool used to carry (thanks to `@mr-c `__). `Pull Request 14368`_ * BCODB submit form (thanks to `@biocompute-objects `__). `Pull Request 14374`_ * Remove schema-salad pin (thanks to `@mr-c `__). `Pull Request 14379`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 14385`_ * Allow sort order for sort_by to be reversed (thanks to `@pvanheus `__). `Pull Request 14389`_ * Data Libraries - Change "Export to History" to "Send to History" (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 14393`_ * Warn users if History is not being watched (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 14397`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 14409`_ * Remove Button Morphing during Tool Installation (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14413`_ * Present unavailable options to logged-out users (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14419`_ * Improve dynamic option filter efficiency (thanks to `@qiagu `__). `Pull Request 14439`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 14448`_ * Hide Disabled Installation Actions for Tool Installations (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14474`_ * Primary analysis interface a11y fixes (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14481`_ * API key enhancements (thanks to `@itisAliRH `__). `Pull Request 14489`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 14490`_ * Register admin routes in vue router (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14499`_ * Place security policy in canonical location (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14503`_ * Various small Python typing improvements and fixes (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14508`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 14521`_ * Revise masthead route handling and component (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14523`_ * Frontend tool search bug fix (thanks to `@hujambo-dunia `__). `Pull Request 14529`_ * Report that (text) datatype test files need to have a final newline (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14532`_ * Re-license under MIT all work from 2021-04-07 onwards (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14540`_ * Implement keyedColorScheme for all tags, not only nametags (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 14542`_ * Remove more dead code from tool shed (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14551`_ * Include HID count in quick history menu switcher (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 14552`_ * More API tests for the tool shed (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14553`_ * Use active attribute for some dropdown menus (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14561`_ * Remove broken tool shed API endpoint (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14562`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 14567`_ * Add config option for post logout redirect url (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14570`_ * Drop GitHub workflow for legacy history Selenium tests (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14571`_ * Implement API endpoint for calculating dataset hashes asynchronously (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14576`_ * Some additional typing for galaxy.util.path (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14598`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 14599`_ * linter: check for inputs with duplicated names (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 14604`_ * Adapt invocation export UI for plugins (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 14606`_ * Remove unused tool shed functions (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14612`_ * More tool shed API tests (+fixes) (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14616`_ * Headings Changes and Heading Component (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14622`_ * Improvements to mypy setup (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14626`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 14650`_ * indicate history name in collection navigation (thanks to `@itisAliRH `__). `Pull Request 14655`_ * ToolShedApp for more correct typing in tool shed code (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14656`_ * Some more typing for test populators (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14657`_ * Cleanup Tool Shed Tests (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14662`_ * add scroll shadow on the right and left sides (thanks to `@itisAliRH `__). `Pull Request 14665`_ * More cleanup of tool shed tests (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14672`_ * Replace ``unittest.TestCase`` with pytest-based partial re-implementation (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14679`_ * More typing and unit testing for tool test verification functions (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14691`_ * Migrate more tool shed functional testing to Galaxy API (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14693`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 14696`_ * Removed unnecessary page reload on the workflow list page (thanks to `@shubham4315 `__). `Pull Request 14699`_ * Prevent number inputs (in tool forms) from binding wheel events. (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14704`_ * Change ToolPanel search to client side and Advanced search to backend (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 14707`_ * Outline modernizing tool shed repositories API (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14719`_ * Disable multi-view create hook hiding toolbox. (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14729`_ * Migrate index and show tool shed repositories endpoints to Pydantic and FastAPI (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14736`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 14745`_ * Make HTTP request object available to `AuthManager` (thanks to `@mahendrapaipuri `__). `Pull Request 14776`_ * Skip 2 unit tests if bio.tools is down (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14782`_ * Update tool recommendation API using transformers (neural network) (thanks to `@anuprulez `__). `Pull Request 14791`_ * Make connect_args for SQLAlchemy's engine configurable (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 14792`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 14800`_ * Disable integrity check for CWL relocate script (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14804`_ * Replace ``set-output`` commands with ``$GITHUB_OUTPUT`` environment file in GitHub workflows (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14806`_ * Move base tool data infrastructure into tool_util package (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14822`_ * Add client tests for login components (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14842`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 14844`_ * Fix tool linting with comments (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 14845`_ * Add type annotations to ``config_manage.py`` (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14847`_ * Visible marker to distinguish required/optional tool params (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14861`_ * bugfix and UX enh. for tool form footer (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 14865`_ * Visually show which parameters belong to a conditional (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14866`_ * Update release-next to 23.0 (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14867`_ * Move model/mapping utils into packaged code for reuse by the tool shed (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14881`_ * Install latest miniconda and conda. Enable libmamba solver (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14882`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 14888`_ * Simplify and speed up converter testing (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14891`_ * i18n of login and register forms (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 14921`_ * Add automated tests for presenting unavailable options to logged-out users (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14925`_ * Create traceback.txt when external metadata fails (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14932`_ * New Tag component based on VueMultiselect (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14936`_ * Fix deprecation of ``ProcessPool.schedule()`` since pebble 5.0 (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14944`_ * Add types to galaxy/util/zipstream.py (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14945`_ * Small change to job runner docs to state more explicitly what `check_watched_item()` should return (thanks to `@simonbray `__). `Pull Request 14947`_ * lint for coexisting expect_num_outputs and expect_failure (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 14959`_ * Type annotations and refactorings of input staging (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14963`_ * Update cwltool pin (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14964`_ * bonus Python typing (thanks to `@mr-c `__). `Pull Request 14971`_ * Vuetify published histories (thanks to `@itisAliRH `__). `Pull Request 14985`_ * Use TypeScript for rule specification tests (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15001`_ * add GH private reporting option to security policy (thanks to `@galaxyproject `__). `Pull Request 15003`_ * Run mypy on a fully loaded galaxy venv for stricter type checking (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 15004`_ * Add composable confirmation dialog (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15008`_ * Unify Composable Naming and add Documentation (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15012`_ * Update Gravity version to 1.0.0 pre-release (thanks to `@natefoo `__). `Pull Request 15017`_ * Use APITestCase class to run framework tool tests (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15028`_ * Infrastructure for indicating Galaxy features being used by tests (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15031`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 15033`_ * Prefill bug reports with current user's email (thanks to `@hujambo-dunia `__). `Pull Request 15042`_ * Typing and other small improvements to tool plumbing (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15051`_ * Convert Checkbox component to Vue (thanks to `@hujambo-dunia `__). `Pull Request 15054`_ * Address some of the new mypy notes about unchecked annotations (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15069`_ * Type some of tool test parsing code (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15079`_ * Bring Multi History Shadows to Front and Adjust Content Item Color (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15092`_ * Add ``pkce`` to dev/test requirements (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15095`_ * Fix broken `resubmission_job_conf.xml` reference in documentation (thanks to `@abueg `__). `Pull Request 15096`_ * Sort library folders by name by default (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15099`_ * Enhance RO-Crate export of Galaxy invocations (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15101`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 15104`_ * Implement tool data bundles (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15129`_ * Advanced tool search results page design changes (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15134`_ * Warning when importing published history by URL (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15149`_ * Build package script, reset package versions (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15150`_ * Add Front-End Styleguide (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15154`_ * Security policy update -- using github advisories (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15158`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 15166`_ * Make weasyprint requirements a bit clearer (thanks to `@wm75 `__). `Pull Request 15175`_ * Fixup types surrounding workflow refactoring testing (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15177`_ * Improve typing in galaxy.tool_util.data (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15179`_ * Convert `multiple view` to composition API except `MultipleViewList` (thanks to `@itisAliRH `__). `Pull Request 15182`_ * Fix various issues with OpenAPI schema conformance, add linting (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15183`_ * Tweak OpenAPI schema (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15189`_ * Typing for tool test plumbing code (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15192`_ * Do not OpenAPI schema lint for operation-4xx-response (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15193`_ * Update API schema generation to be explicit about unsecured endpoints (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15194`_ * Include spell checking in API schema linting. (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15195`_ * A bit more typing in interactor.py (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15203`_ * Migrate baseauth endpoint to FastAPI (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15214`_ * replace the png logo with svg version (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 15246`_ * Apply all linters to data managers (which are applied to tools) (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 15254`_ * Upgrade TPV to v2.0.0 (thanks to `@nuwang `__). `Pull Request 15259`_ * Enable collapsing markdown elements (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 15260`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 15264`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 15281`_ * add HTML description meta tag (thanks to `@neoformit `__). `Pull Request 15288`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 15308`_ * doc accept_default as deprecated (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 15338`_ * Update Python dependencies (thanks to `@galaxybot `__). `Pull Request 15346`_ .. small_enhancement * Fix attribute error on base models (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15731`_ * Add 2 indexes to WorkflowRequest* tables on the workflow_invocation_id field (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 15733`_ * Fix typo in docstring (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 15793`_ * Remove some IDs from error messages (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15882`_ * Update default GALAXY_URL for webpack-dev-server (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15391`_ * Refactor _FieldText to vue.js (thanks to `@neoformit `__). `Pull Request 13375`_ * Remove new shed datatypes (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 13976`_ * Decompose UserPreferences for reuse (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14109`_ * Combine "as" imports with other "from" imports (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14119`_ * save one call to datatype_by_extension (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 14209`_ * Migrate `library folder contents` API to FastAPI (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 14223`_ * Update lists of non-passing CWL conformance tests (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14258`_ * Fix B023 warnings from flake8-bugbear 22.7.1 (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14260`_ * Rename `GenomeProvider` to `DbKeyProvider` (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 14262`_ * Rename test to accurately describe the code it tests [improves content of new tutorial] (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 14285`_ * Drop root controller methods (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14290`_ * Code cleanups from pyupgrade (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14313`_ * Extend docs and tests for conditional output actions (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 14314`_ * Eslint upgrade and fixes (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14384`_ * Refactor history contents API ID encoding (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 14392`_ * Vueify Quota-Meter (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14435`_ * Refactor pydantic id handling (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 14436`_ * Remove legacy page and panel builders (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14505`_ * RxJS cleanup; removing cruft we no longer use (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14506`_ * Separate unsorted styles from base file (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14520`_ * Panel init template cleanup (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14535`_ * Remove no longer useful API endpoint in the toolshed (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14554`_ * Unit tests and type fixes for tool data tables code (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14582`_ * Multipanel cleanup, remove dead code (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14608`_ * Place Toolshed JS modules into separate bundle (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14609`_ * Remove mypy exceptions for deleted files (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14613`_ * More Tool Shed Cleanup (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14615`_ * Cleanup update_repository_manager in Galaxy repository install code (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14628`_ * Remove outdated display structured history view (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14630`_ * Remove legacy history usage from js-modules (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14638`_ * Refactor tool shed registry into utility code (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14642`_ * Eliminate configuresgalaxymixin (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14645`_ * Drop unnecessary config tests (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 14648`_ * Remove repository review functionality from tool shed (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14649`_ * Eliminated JQuery from PluginList (thanks to `@shubham4315 `__). `Pull Request 14653`_ * Remove legacy history from code base (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14660`_ * Remove now redundant base class (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14663`_ * Cleanup tool_util.py (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14668`_ * Various unsorted tool shed code cleanup. (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14669`_ * Packaging and configurability for the container monitor script (thanks to `@natefoo `__). `Pull Request 14673`_ * Replace ``self.assert*()`` method calls with plain asserts (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14674`_ * Generate somewhat valid SafeStringWrapper-wrapped class names (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14675`_ * Tool Shed and Tool Utility Cleanup (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14681`_ * More typing for tool shed install and relevant utility code (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14682`_ * Add type hints for galaxy.workflow.{run, run_request} (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14683`_ * Remove is_beta_history flag from selenium tests (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14686`_ * Remove legacy base panel makos (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14687`_ * Storing selected histories in multiple view into local storage (thanks to `@itisAliRH `__). `Pull Request 14703`_ * Fixed typo for quota default change (thanks to `@abueg `__). `Pull Request 14706`_ * Minor reformatting of verification error (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 14712`_ * Remove workflow export mako (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14716`_ * Cleanup hack in job files API for very old versions of Galaxy (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14720`_ * Simplify tool shed tests (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14735`_ * Drop ToolsView (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14737`_ * Replace ``unittest.TestCase`` in API, framework, performance, Selenium and ToolShed tests (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14739`_ * Small cleanups to shed package dependency structures (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14744`_ * Cleanup installed_repository_manager.py and related code a bit more (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14746`_ * Update history size tooltip (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14749`_ * Align url handling for more consistency (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14752`_ * Migrate `workflow import` to composition API (thanks to `@itisAliRH `__). `Pull Request 14775`_ * Cleanup More Tool Shed Admin Controllers and Makos (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14793`_ * Point to new documentation instead of github issue (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 14796`_ * Rename `FooBarTestCase` test classes as `TestFooBar` (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14797`_ * Add avatar to published item components (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14803`_ * More tool shed dependency and dead code cleanup (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14810`_ * Remove legacy reinstall endpoint from admin_toolshed.py (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14811`_ * Misc. fixes to datatypes modules (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 14817`_ * Move ToolShedRepositoryCache into galaxy.tool_shed (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14824`_ * Remove legacy dependency manager mako (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14826`_ * Fix tool help headings and sizes (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14830`_ * Remove redirect mako from tool runner controller (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14831`_ * Remove legacy js mount-helpers for makos (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14832`_ * Refactor markdownHelp (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14838`_ * Workflow API refactor and porting to fastAPI (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 14843`_ * Vueify Rules Edit (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14878`_ * Remove ability to delete individual files from tool shed (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14909`_ * Update interactivetool_ml_jupyter_notebook.xml (thanks to `@anuprulez `__). `Pull Request 14910`_ * Vueify Toast (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14935`_ * Remove old WSGI middleware that is no longer useful (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14965`_ * Refactor, add type hints to get_chunk() in datatypes (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 14993`_ * Upgrade FastAPI to 0.87.0, drop old workarounds (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14996`_ * Bump loader-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.2 in /client (thanks to `@galaxyproject `__). `Pull Request 14997`_ * Pinia addition and initial conversion from vuex for a few basic stores (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14999`_ * Use galaxy_directory() util function to check if code is running from root or from packages (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 15010`_ * Convert radio button to vue (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 15016`_ * Eslint upgrades, rule tweaks (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15026`_ * Update .pre-commit-config.yml.sample (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15050`_ * Remove leftover log message (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 15066`_ * Use Galaxy logo instead of Logo/Text combo, refactor masthead to composition api (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 15082`_ * Move JavaScript linting to GitHub workflows (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15102`_ * Convert UtcDate from options to composition+ts (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15116`_ * Fix and Convert composables to TypeScript (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15119`_ * Update to 2022 NAR paper (thanks to `@mschatz `__). `Pull Request 15123`_ * New `Filtering` class (thanks to `@itisAliRH `__). `Pull Request 15153`_ * Drop beta contents near endpoint (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15171`_ * Day 1 Typeathon (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15180`_ * Convert localization from old amd module (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15181`_ * Migrate Storage Dashboard to TS + Composition API (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15184`_ * Small mypy improvements. (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15185`_ * Pinia-fy historyItemsStore (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 15190`_ * Mark method parameter as meant to be used only for testing (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15199`_ * Convert Admin/JobLock to composition+ts+apiclient (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15200`_ * Extract list of packages ordered by dependency dag for reuse (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15209`_ * Fix url in group user API (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15217`_ * Drop unused run_tests.sh options (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15233`_ * Typeathon Day-2 (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15234`_ * Show Workflow Import Message (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15235`_ * Tabular dataset display component (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15285`_ * Annotate utils/redirect, rename safePath (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15298`_ * Avoid legacy API routes increase (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15312`_ * Towards SQLAlchemy 2.0: use model attributes instead of strings (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 15340`_ Fixes ------------------------------- .. major_bug .. bug_tag_viz * Fix path for history contents API request (thanks to `@reid-wagner `__). `Pull Request 14437`_ * Prepend Galaxy root to dataset download URLs in visualization plugins (thanks to `@mahendrapaipuri `__). `Pull Request 15064`_ * Visualization mounting fix & test (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15332`_ .. bug_tag_datatypes * Avoid passing headers argument twice in datatypes display - take 2 (thanks to `@wm75 `__). `Pull Request 15766`_ * Account for charge and spin in den_fmt sniffer (thanks to `@muon-spectroscopy-computational-project `__). `Pull Request 15797`_ * Do not pass dataset keyword parameter into datatype.display_data (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15695`_ * Format Python code with black 23.1.0 (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15488`_ * Fix large_file.mako arguments (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15503`_ * do not split "." but the path (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 14760`_ * Fix indentation level on SnpSiftDbNSFP.set_peek() (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 14953`_ * fix interval_to_bgzip for sub gff classes (thanks to `@lldelisle `__). `Pull Request 15053`_ .. bug_tag_tools * Fix wrong tool converter names (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15579`_ * Fix unbound local error in sort collection tool (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15583`_ * interval2maf remove from unversioned or deprecate (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 14573`_ * Misc fixes 202209 (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14592`_ * Simplify head wrapper - same functionality, no pipe (thanks to `@wm75 `__). `Pull Request 14895`_ * Fix add value tool, bump linter level for ``format="input"`` to error (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15304`_ .. bug_tag_workflows * Make dragImage transparent in workflow editor (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15593`_ * Don't include output name in css classes for node outputs (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15782`_ * Fix overly strict map over constraints (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15818`_ * Fix saving workflow with conditional subworkflow step (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15649`_ * Fix anonymous workflow preview (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15679`_ * Adding more directive to the Invalid Input tooltip (thanks to `@assuntad23 `__). `Pull Request 15406`_ * Fix node input map over status (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15408`_ * Resolve ``collection_type_source`` in workflow editor (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15430`_ * Fix data_column and empty_file filters when DCE is passed (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15465`_ * Fix multi-input connection handling in workflow editor (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15472`_ * Fix incorrect warning for workflow output duplicate label (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15475`_ * Fix inserting inputs through repeats (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15500`_ * Fix refactor action dropping outputs on subworkflow connection (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14494`_ * Always call strip() on data_column column values (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14518`_ * Fix post job action getting lost when node is made active (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14539`_ * Fix workflow parameter connectability (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14563`_ * Fix delayed optional data input handling (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14641`_ * Fix loading subworkflows from editor interface (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14870`_ * Fix restricted values for parameter connected to subworkflow input (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14873`_ * Remove incorrect references to datasets instead of dataset instances in run_request.py (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14943`_ * Make workflow cycle test side-effect free (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14986`_ * Backport `#14643 `__: Enable simplified workflow with optional disconnected data inputs (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14987`_ * Ensure tool_id is null for subworkflow steps (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15310`_ * Fix workflow mako rendering (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15343`_ .. bug_tag_ui * Fix plugin framework build compatibility with node 16 (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15756`_ * Webpack dependency updates to address dependabot alert (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15806`_ * Data Libraries Sanitization (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15706`_ * Provide d3@3 for older visualization compatibility (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15462`_ * Fix run client dev server in Gitpod (thanks to `@itisAliRH `__). `Pull Request 14111`_ * Bump jquery-ui from 1.13.1 to 1.13.2 in /client (thanks to `@galaxyproject `__). `Pull Request 14344`_ * Bump terser from 5.10.0 to 5.14.2 in /client (thanks to `@galaxyproject `__). `Pull Request 14352`_ * Cleanup noisey warning in JobParameters.test.js (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14555`_ * Bump engine.io from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 in /client (thanks to `@galaxyproject `__). `Pull Request 15044`_ * Fix js linting (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 15048`_ * Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.1 in /client (thanks to `@galaxyproject `__). `Pull Request 15103`_ .. bug_tag_jobs * Fix tool stdio on pulsar and implement job stdio (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15907`_ * Fail linked job if task fails (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15909`_ * Fix pulsar error when when home_target is pwd (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15914`_ * Add missing filter in job query (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15846`_ * Fix visible handling for exisiting datasets on discovery (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15525`_ * Fixes for Pulsar 0.15.0 discovered on usegalaxy.org (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15535`_ * Cast ``job_key`` to string (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15578`_ * Synchronize job runner utils with fixes from and for Pulsar's version (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14727`_ * Synchronize job script module with Pulsar fixes (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14784`_ * Drop broken output.parent logic (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14862`_ * Various Pulsar extended metadata fixes (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14863`_ * Downgrade exception to warning when job properties files could not be found (thanks to `@simonbray `__). `Pull Request 14968`_ .. bug_tag_admin * Disable table sort reset by clicking on unsortable headers (thanks to `@itisAliRH `__). `Pull Request 15610`_ * Change Field Method for Tool Table Columns to a Map (thanks to `@assuntad23 `__). `Pull Request 15529`_ * Drop SentryWSGIMiddleware (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15548`_ * Disallow indexing of the /training-materials/ proxy used for "Tutorial Mode" (thanks to `@galaxyproject `__). `Pull Request 14283`_ * Update Gravity to 0.13.4 and document setting env vars on dynamic handlers (thanks to `@natefoo `__). `Pull Request 14550`_ * Bump minimum pip version to 20.3 . Ignore ``--replace-pip`` and ``--no-replace-pip`` startup options (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15322`_ .. bug * Admin interface navguard (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15906`_ * Allow messagebox rich contents (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15912`_ * Fix history RO-crate export with discarded datasets (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15916`_ * Fix Short Term Storage cleanup when metadata is lost (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15724`_ * Validate history Related filter in backend (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 15741`_ * Fix rule builder table display (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15743`_ * Fix Worflow editor loading issues (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15750`_ * Fix GTN webhook (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15755`_ * Add missing history export link (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15758`_ * Remove code left over from debugging (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 15764`_ * Cast ``url_for()`` output to ``str`` (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15775`_ * fix premature return in user API (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 15780`_ * Bump Gravity to 1.0.1 (thanks to `@natefoo `__). `Pull Request 15787`_ * Allow hyphenated tool-name to be searchable in `ToolSearch` (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 15788`_ * Fix regression in distinguishing between select and text types (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15792`_ * Fix loading of job submission success page on route change (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 15801`_ * Bump tuswsgi middleware (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15803`_ * Show workflow errors in embedded markdown element (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 15807`_ * Fix toggling output visibility (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15812`_ * Fix User Preferences Manage External Identities element v-if (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 15824`_ * Fix API for latest FastAPI (0.95) (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15829`_ * Fix tool recommendation in the workflow editor (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15842`_ * Update Gravity to 1.0.2 (thanks to `@natefoo `__). `Pull Request 15862`_ * Don't set datatype for optional datasets that were not provided (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15871`_ * List tags in ``/api/dataset_collections/{hdca_id}/contents/{parent_id}`` (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15883`_ * Fix tool bar on top of pop-ups (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15891`_ * Fix short term storage archive export extension on download (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15894`_ * Sync ToolForm and WorkflowRun with history changes (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 15565`_ * Fix Filter history inputs and outputs server error (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 15572`_ * Fix escaped html in alert regarding login activation (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15632`_ * Fix bioblend ``GalaxyClient`` import for mypy (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15637`_ * check for sessionless and userless API access (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 15659`_ * Rework collapsible FormCard handling; (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15661`_ * convert activate method substitutions to f-strings (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 15666`_ * Ignore spurious mypy error (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15667`_ * Temporarily restore old BCO export mechanism (without Celery) (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15674`_ * Fix sentry in WSGI/ASGI context (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15675`_ * Fix stock tool URL generation in BCOs (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15685`_ * Fix run_form=true if trs_url is used (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15687`_ * Use more efficient model properties when serializing histories (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15705`_ * Fix task-based export error handling (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15719`_ * Fix library bulk selection (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15721`_ * Ensure that tool form is initialized before attempting updates (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 15325`_ * Use ``galaxy.util.download_to_file`` instead of wget/curl (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15356`_ * Add failed metadata info (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 15359`_ * Reset confirmation state when unmounting workflow editor (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15378`_ * Fix history modal selection highlight (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15381`_ * Fix workflow editing route for workflows created from history (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 15384`_ * Fix Datatypes Page (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15398`_ * Fix Workflow Editor Zoom (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15399`_ * Redirect anonymous users on histories/list (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15400`_ * Disable create and switch histories anonymously (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15403`_ * Sort tool sections in a way that works for both Chrome and Firefox (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15419`_ * Hide metadata auto-detection option if dataset is in improper state (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 15422`_ * Move workflow node loading indicator (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 15423`_ * Clarify info messages for Collection Edit tabs (thanks to `@assuntad23 `__). `Pull Request 15431`_ * ToolBoxWorkflow fix tool compatibility and search (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 15432`_ * Add name+description ToolSearch (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 15434`_ * fix looks_like_yaml_or_cwl_with_class (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 15439`_ * Serialize CWL tools via json, not pickle (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15441`_ * Adjust to bleach.ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS being frozenset (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15442`_ * fix password reset url (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 15453`_ * Fix workflow toolbox sorting of workflows (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15455`_ * restore rst_invalid function (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 15457`_ * Strip EDAM Quotes (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15474`_ * Fix workflow output activiting on activating node (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15478`_ * Create ToolSuccess route and refactor component (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 15484`_ * ToolSearch trim whitespace in query (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 15485`_ * ToolBox remove Expression Tools section (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 15486`_ * Add support for Python 3.11 (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15487`_ * Update Collection Element in Collection View (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15501`_ * Add Database filter to HistoryFilters (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 15505`_ * xsd fixes for output actions (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 15508`_ * Fix phyloviz (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15516`_ * Fix webhook backbone view (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15522`_ * Fix `histories shared with me` navigation (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15531`_ * prevent leaking decoded ids through markdown error handling (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 15536`_ * Fix workflow success banner history target display (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15541`_ * Add new release tags to manage_db.sh script (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 15543`_ * Refactor and fix file dragging (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 15544`_ * Switch to official setup-node action for cache (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15547`_ * Disable invocation export when Celery is disabled (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15556`_ * fix hostname parsing for newer Docker versions (thanks to `@SergeyYakubov `__). `Pull Request 15561`_ * Fix db migration release tag migration hashes for 23.0 (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 15571`_ * Update gravity dependency to 1.0 PyPI release (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15577`_ * Fix job completion email from tool form (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15585`_ * Backport of `#15517 `__ (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15586`_ * Allow anonymous access to tool source view (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15589`_ * History scroller fixes (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15595`_ * Fix masthead/ribbon alerts to use Alert component, update variant (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15603`_ * check only first 64 chars of the activation token (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 15605`_ * Fix new user welcome resource loading (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15615`_ * Fix duplicated Copy History dialog in Shared Histories (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15619`_ * linter: warn if expect_num_outputs is missing (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 12975`_ * column label renaming for clarity (thanks to `@hujambo-dunia `__). `Pull Request 14051`_ * Fix for Preferred Language refresh bug in Localization process related to User Preferences Page [13653] (thanks to `@hujambo-dunia `__). `Pull Request 14082`_ * Fix flaky test_workflow_delete selenium test (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14112`_ * Get last history list offset and restore on return (thanks to `@itisAliRH `__). `Pull Request 14139`_ * Fix ``parse_requirements_and_containers()`` for CWL and YAML tools (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14144`_ * Use imports instead of variable assignment for galaxy.util.Element (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14197`_ * Encode history name in tool_util.verify.interactor.get_history (thanks to `@cat-bro `__). `Pull Request 14208`_ * Misc fixes 2022-06-28 (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14215`_ * Fix mypy reexport error for testfixtures (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14272`_ * Correct IMPLICITLY_REQUIRED_TOOL_FILES for some tools (thanks to `@cat-bro `__). `Pull Request 14373`_ * Fix dataset list operation to switch between histories (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14398`_ * Fix duplicate Request to CurrentUser (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14441`_ * Register client library routes in app router (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14445`_ * Disable Dataset Display icon in queued state, and Improve Window Manager tour (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 14446`_ * watching historyID for change, if it changes, close the CollectionPanel (thanks to `@assuntad23 `__). `Pull Request 14493`_ * Fix dataset operations inconsistent hover styles (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14495`_ * Release script fixes (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14498`_ * Fix dataset operation highlighting in Safari and dataset error route (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14500`_ * Enable logging for manage_db.sh (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 14507`_ * Fix setting metadata elements in conditional tool action (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14510`_ * Fix toolshed installation progress overview shows no status (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14516`_ * Fix dataset visualize action routing (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14517`_ * Fix typos in test linter (thanks to `@bernt-matthias `__). `Pull Request 14526`_ * Fix absolute path generation util (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14531`_ * Fix double nested application when visualizing dataset (without scratchbook) (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14534`_ * Allow changing type of regex rule in RBU (thanks to `@assuntad23 `__). `Pull Request 14543`_ * Request extended details when modifying history attributes (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14548`_ * Use url's database to connect at startup (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 14556`_ * Fix reference to config option in schema (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 14558`_ * Don't query the database when running migrations in offline mode (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 14564`_ * Fix ``output_action_change_format`` framework tests (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14565`_ * Consistently use our ``now()`` in the model (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14581`_ * Ensure guid is hexadecimal value (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14588`_ * Include /bin in sample systemd unit path (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14590`_ * Better + additional fix for alembic offline mode (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 14596`_ * Pin CacheControl to prevent missing dependency (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14607`_ * Change HTTP status code for ``DeprecatedMethod`` exception to 410 (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14614`_ * Fix `toolbox` access in invocation export (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 14624`_ * Fix export RO-crate to file source (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 14639`_ * Bug fix related to collecting invocation jobs (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14654`_ * VCF/Tabular display fix (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14671`_ * Fix old style workflow parameter regression in Number entry (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14689`_ * Small test fixes (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14711`_ * Idle connection pool cleaner (thanks to `@kxk302 `__). `Pull Request 14714`_ * Allow to force push client routes (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14725`_ * Fix ``validation_dataset_metadata_in_file`` framework test (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14728`_ * Fix subworkflow upgrade (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14733`_ * Accessibility issue fixes in workflow list/import interfaces (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14747`_ * Fix tool recommendations display (thanks to `@abretaud `__). `Pull Request 14751`_ * Do not load sample config file; assign correct config paths (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 14755`_ * Improve galaxy version extra file loading (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14758`_ * improve UX of admin job page (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 14769`_ * Fix disappearing right anchor (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14778`_ * Add a utility function that returns first available value for prefix+key set in the environment; fix bug (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 14788`_ * Fix ``test_get_alternative_versions`` unit test (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14789`_ * fix container_resolvers API index and show (thanks to `@cat-bro `__). `Pull Request 14807`_ * 2 bug fixes (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14812`_ * Fixes welcome panel route in login component (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14823`_ * Fix Tool form header overlaps with window manager (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14828`_ * Fix export history RO-Crate without workflows (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 14835`_ * Fix sample config (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 14841`_ * Fix invocation filtering by stored workflow (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14853`_ * Use dnspython to check specifically for an "MX" DNS record (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14854`_ * Require also a recent pyOpenSSL package when installing conda (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14856`_ * make solo fontawesome elements render attached tooltips properly (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 14857`_ * Cherry pick `#14807 `__ and add test for /api/container_resolvers/resolve (thanks to `@cat-bro `__). `Pull Request 14859`_ * fix tooltip rendering on icons (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 14874`_ * Fix response encoding when getting tool citations via API (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14876`_ * reintroduce decoding for PUT /dataset/set_edit calls (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 14885`_ * Fix collection download link (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 14897`_ * Do not mask collection download exceptions (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 14898`_ * Update cryptography to 38.0.3 (thanks to `@natefoo `__). `Pull Request 14904`_ * Fix displaying named tags (thanks to `@itisAliRH `__). `Pull Request 14907`_ * Fix errors when querying for invalid repos or repos without valid tools (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14911`_ * Mark optional form parameters followup (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14914`_ * Fix broken subworkflow reordering on workflow import (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14918`_ * Fix conda-build version not compatible (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14919`_ * Fix edit history details button hidden from anonymous users (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 14924`_ * Update tool shed migration instructions (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 14926`_ * Change Custos url in oidc_backends_config (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 14929`_ * Fix download urls in embedded workflow component (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14930`_ * Fix select2 value selection in selenium (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14937`_ * Stabilize test_edit_subworkflow selenium test (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14940`_ * Fix merge forward of `#14918 `__ (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14941`_ * Fix typo in CWL representation code (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 14957`_ * Fix ``GiHttpMixin`` by passing API key in request headers (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14960`_ * Make unique resources set in workflows api test unique with uuid suffix (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14961`_ * Fix VCF handling for IGV Viewer (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 14973`_ * Fix invalid quota amount (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 14981`_ * Add HEAD route for ``/api/datasets/{history_content_id}/display`` (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 14983`_ * Fix discarded datasets when importing history from file sources using tasks (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 14989`_ * Fix wrongly skipped ``test_test_data_null_boolean_inputs`` API test (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 14991`_ * Fix interpolation in ``NicerConfigParser`` on Python 3.11 (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15002`_ * Job-based chart UX improvements (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15013`_ * Tool Client Search bug fix and add client tests (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 15015`_ * Drop link to celery docs that don't exist (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15029`_ * use history_id fixture instead of instance variable with the same name (thanks to `@mr-c `__). `Pull Request 15037`_ * Fix metadata setting for discovered datasets with extended metadata (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15038`_ * Mount ``$TMPDIR``, ``$TMP`` and ``$TEMP`` into container (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15039`_ * Fix display collection error in history items (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15040`_ * History item color to hsla (thanks to `@itisAliRH `__). `Pull Request 15055`_ * minimal changes for MyPy 0.991 (thanks to `@mr-c `__). `Pull Request 15065`_ * Update routing for collection info display, a11y tweaks (thanks to `@dannon `__). `Pull Request 15072`_ * Use absolute imports (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 15073`_ * Fix export history to FTP using tasks (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15090`_ * Various fixes for Short Term Storage API (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15094`_ * Fix ``model_class`` field annotations (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15105`_ * Update gravity to 0.13.6 (thanks to `@natefoo `__). `Pull Request 15122`_ * update the workflow form language (thanks to `@galaxyproject `__). `Pull Request 15125`_ * Install involucro when resolvers are instantiated (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15130`_ * Support for path-based proxying of interactive tools (thanks to `@sveinugu `__). `Pull Request 15147`_ * Fix link to markdown editor (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 15152`_ * Add/remove/pin/unpin Python requirements (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15159`_ * Update Vue Virtual Scroll List (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 15160`_ * Fix lxml deprecation warning (thanks to `@galaxyproject `__). `Pull Request 15161`_ * Add x-forwarded-proto to middleware (thanks to `@nuwang `__). `Pull Request 15167`_ * Small fixes to YAML export of OpenAPI schema (thanks to `@jmchilton `__). `Pull Request 15187`_ * Fix typo (thanks to `@hexylena `__). `Pull Request 15215`_ * Fix for Workflow Editor Tags Formatting (thanks to `@hujambo-dunia `__). `Pull Request 15223`_ * Watch offset and update_time to fetch historyItems (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 15226`_ * Fix type hints for alembic/env.py (thanks to `@jdavcs `__). `Pull Request 15236`_ * Fix UploadModalContent "__v_isRef" is not defined (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15245`_ * Refine scroll behavior, avoid redundant refresh requests (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 15248`_ * Remove duplicated url param separator from dataset services (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 15251`_ * Fix `test_mulled_build_files_cli` mulled unit test (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15255`_ * Fixes `#15224 `__ - tools token are created with a size of 10 chars when interactivetools_shorten_url is true (thanks to `@Lain-inrae `__). `Pull Request 15265`_ * Fix boolean parameter handling (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 15266`_ * Fix form builder in admin panel (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 15271`_ * entrypoints - use timeout instead of interval to prevent stacking requests (thanks to `@martenson `__). `Pull Request 15277`_ * add set_random_password to tool_shed User (thanks to `@jhl667 `__). `Pull Request 15280`_ * Bump cwltest requirement and fix import (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15287`_ * Restore toolshed masthead appearance (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 15293`_ * Fix Sign Out Selenium test (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15299`_ * Fix immediate dataset purge in bulk (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15305`_ * Fix collection drilldown in dataset details view (thanks to `@guerler `__). `Pull Request 15309`_ * Revert check for new legacy API routes (thanks to `@davelopez `__). `Pull Request 15320`_ * Update lists of non-passing CWL conformance tests (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15324`_ * Global drag and drop followup (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry `__). `Pull Request 15330`_ * Require selecting a test mode in ``run_tests.sh`` (thanks to `@nsoranzo `__). `Pull Request 15331`_ * Fix button alignment and change external icon in Tools List (thanks to `@ahmedhamidawan `__). `Pull Request 15333`_ * Fix view migration for sqlite (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15341`_ * Stabilize mulled integration tests (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15347`_ * Update purge dataset for new testcase-less testing (thanks to `@mvdbeek `__). `Pull Request 15348`_ .. include:: 23.0_prs.rst