# Galaxy FTP Uploads To allow users to upload files to Galaxy via FTP, you'll need to configure Galaxy and install an FTP server. After everything is configured users will be able to upload their files through the FTP server and then select them for importing in the upload dialog in Galaxy. For help with uploading data via FTP on Galaxy [Main](https://galaxyproject.org/main/), please see this [tutorial](https://galaxyproject.org/ftp-upload/). ## Install some FTP server Although there is no specific required server, we use [ProFTPD](http://proftpd.org/) for our [public site](http://usegalaxy.org/) since it supports all the things we'll need to be able to do, such as authenticating against the Galaxy database. We recommend you to use the same FTP server as the configurations we provide are targeting it. You can also browse the list of alternative FTP servers at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_FTP_server_software ## Configure Galaxy The first step is to choose a directory into which your users will upload files. Preferably this will be on the same filesystem as Galaxy's datasets (by default, `galaxy_dist/database/files/`). The FTP server will create subdirectories inside of this directory which match the user's email address. Likewise, Galaxy will expect to find email-named subdirectories at that path. This directory should be set in the config file (`galaxy.yml`) as `ftp_upload_dir`. In the config file, you'll also want to set `ftp_upload_site` to the hostname your users should connect to via FTP. This will be provided in the help text on the Upload File form. ## Allow your FTP server to read Galaxy's database You'll need to grant a user access to read emails and passwords from the Galaxy database. Although the user Galaxy connects with could be used, I prefer to use a least-privilege setup wherein a separate user is created for the FTP server which has permission to `SELECT` from the `galaxy_user` table and nothing else. In postgres this is accomplished with: ```bash postgres@dbserver% createuser -SDR galaxyftp postgres@dbserver% psql galaxydb Welcome to psql 8.X.Y, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Type: \copyright for distribution terms \h for help with SQL commands \? for help with psql commands \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query \q to quit galaxydb=# ALTER ROLE galaxyftp PASSWORD 'dbpassword'; ALTER ROLE galaxydb=# GRANT SELECT ON galaxy_user TO galaxyftp; GRANT ``` ## Configuring ProFTPD By default, Galaxy stores passwords using [PBKDF2](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2). It's possible to disable this using the `use_pbkdf2: false` setting in the `galaxy` section of `galaxy.yml`. Once disabled, any new passwords created will be stored in an older hex-encoded SHA1 format. Because of this, it's possible to have both PBKDF2 and SHA1 passwords in your database (especially if your server has been around since before PBKDF2 support was added). Although this is fine (Galaxy can read passwords in either format), ProFTPD will expect them in one format or the other (although with some amount of hackery it could probably be made to read both). Because of this, you'll need to choose one or the other in your Galaxy config (PBKDF2 is more secure and therefore preferred) and configure ProFTPD accordingly. If users cannot log in because their password is stored in the wrong format, they can simply use Galaxy's password change form to set their password, which will rewrite their password using the currently configured algorithm. For more hints on the PBKDF2 configuration, see the fantastic blog post [FTP upload to Galaxy using ProFTPd and PBKDF2](http://galacticengineer.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/ftp-upload-to-galaxy-using-proftpd-and.html) by Peter Briggs (which was used to create the documentation below). Although any FTP server should work, our public site uses ProFTPD. You'll need the following extra modules for ProFTPD: * mod_sql * mod_sql_postgres or mod_sql_mysql * mod_sql_passwd We compile by hand using the following configure arguments (OpenSSL is prebuilt and statically linked), you should read the INSTALL file that come with the proftpd source distribution. At least you should consider if you need to use any of these options "install_user= install_group= ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var": ```console ./configure --prefix=/foo --disable-auth-file --disable-ncurses --disable-ident --disable-shadow --enable-openssl --with-modules=mod_sql:mod_sql_postgres:mod_sql_passwd --with-includes=/usr/postgres/9.1-pgdg/include:`pwd`/../openssl/.openssl/include --with-libraries=/usr/postgres/9.1-pgdg/lib/64:`pwd`/../openssl/.openssl/lib ``` An example configuration follows, assuming `ftp_upload_dir = /home/nate/galaxy_dist/database/ftp` in the Galaxy config file: ```apache # Basics, some site-specific ServerName "Public Galaxy FTP" ServerType standalone DefaultServer on Port 21 Umask 077 SyslogFacility DAEMON SyslogLevel debug MaxInstances 30 # This User & Group should be set to the actual user and group name which matche the UID & GID you will specify later in the SQLNamedQuery. User nobody Group nogroup DisplayConnect /etc/opt/local/proftpd_welcome.txt # Passive port range for the firewall PassivePorts 30000 40000 # Cause every FTP user to be "jailed" (chrooted) into their home directory DefaultRoot ~ # Automatically create home directory if it doesn't exist CreateHome on dirmode 700 # Allow users to overwrite their files AllowOverwrite on # Allow users to resume interrupted uploads AllowStoreRestart on # Bar use of SITE CHMOD DenyAll # Bar use of RETR (download) since this is not a public file drop DenyAll # Do not authenticate against real (system) users AuthPAM off # Common SQL authentication options SQLEngine on SQLPasswordEngine on SQLBackend postgres SQLConnectInfo galaxydb@dbserver.example.org[:port] SQLAuthenticate users ``` For PBKDF2 passwords, the following additions to `proftpd.conf` should work: ```apache # Configuration that handles PBKDF2 encryption # Set up mod_sql to authenticate against the Galaxy database SQLAuthTypes PBKDF2 SQLPasswordPBKDF2 SHA256 100000 24 SQLPasswordEncoding base64 # For PBKDF2 authentication # See http://dev.list.galaxyproject.org/ProFTPD-integration-with-Galaxy-td4660295.html SQLPasswordUserSalt sql:/GetUserSalt # Define a custom query for lookup that returns a passwd-like entry. Replace 512s with the UID and GID of the user running the Galaxy server SQLUserInfo custom:/LookupGalaxyUser SQLNamedQuery LookupGalaxyUser SELECT "email, split_part(password, '$', 5) AS password2,512,512,'/home/nate/galaxy_dist/database/ftp/%U','/bin/bash' FROM galaxy_user WHERE email='%U'" # Define custom query to fetch the password salt SQLNamedQuery GetUserSalt SELECT "split_part(password, '$', 4) AS salt FROM galaxy_user WHERE email='%U'" ``` Please note that you would need to update `SQLPasswordPBKDF2` based on the values (HASH_FUNCTION, COST_FACTOR and KEY_LENGTH) you will find here [Galaxy security passwords](https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/master/_modules/galaxy/security/passwords.html) For SHA1 passwords, the following additions to `proftpd.conf` should work: ```apache # Set up mod_sql/mod_sql_password - Galaxy passwords are stored as hex-encoded SHA1 SQLAuthTypes SHA1 SQLPasswordEncoding hex # An empty directory in case chroot fails SQLDefaultHomedir /var/opt/local/proftpd # Define a custom query for lookup that returns a passwd-like entry. Replace 512s with the UID and GID of the user running the Galaxy server SQLUserInfo custom:/LookupGalaxyUser SQLNamedQuery LookupGalaxyUser SELECT "email,password,512,512,'/home/nate/galaxy_dist/database/ftp/%U','/bin/bash' FROM galaxy_user WHERE email='%U'" ``` ## Further security measures FTP protocol is **not** encrypted by default, thus any usernames and passwords are sent over clear text to Galaxy. You may wish to implement further security measures by forcing the FTP connection to use SSL/TLS or to allow users to send their files using SFTP (a completely different protocol than FTP - see http://www.proftpd.org/docs/contrib/mod_sftp.html). Here are some extra steps that you can use with ProFTPD. ```apache # You must put this in a virtual host if you want it to listen on its own port. VHost != Apache Vhost. # You may wish to open a new port for this so that you don't lock yourself out of SSH. I chose 2222 Port 2222 SFTPEngine on AuthOrder mod_auth_unix.c mod_sql.c # If you don't do this you will get weird disconnects SFTPHostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key # SFTPCiphers aes256-ctr aes192-ctr aes128-ctr # You may wish to lock it to only certain ciphers, # but this is likely to lock out certain users RequireValidShell no MaxLoginAttempts 6 ServerName "Galaxy SFTP" Umask 077 User galaxyftp Group galaxyftp UseFtpUsers off DefaultRoot ~ AllowOverwrite on AllowStoreRestart on # .. Other rules for directories, etc SQLEngine on SQLGroupInfo sftp_groups name id members # .. See above, the same SQL rules apply TLSEngine on TLSLog /var/log/proftpd/tls.log # Make sure that users know that you have to support TLS 1.2! This is very restrictive, but likely the best TLSProtocol TLSv1.2 TLSRSACertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/your_cert.cer TLSRSACertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/your.key TLSCertificateChainFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/your_intermediate.cer TLSRenegotiate none TLSCipherSuite ALL:!SSLv2:!SSLv3 TLSVerifyClient off TLSRequired auth+data TLSOptions NoSessionReuseRequired ServerName "Galaxy FTP" ServerType standalone DefaultServer on Port 21 Umask 077 SyslogFacility DAEMON SyslogLevel debug MaxInstances 30 User galaxyftp Group galaxyftp UseFtpUsers off # Passive port range for the firewall - note that you must open these ports for this to work! # Since the FTP traffic is now encrypted, your firewall can't peak to see that it is PASSV FTP # and it will block it if you don't allow new connections one these ports. PassivePorts 30000 30100 # Cause every FTP user to be "jailed" (chrooted) into their home directory DefaultRoot ~ AllowOverwrite on # Allow users to resume interrupted uploads AllowStoreRestart on # .. Other rules for directories, etc SQLEngine on # .. See above, the same SQL rules apply ``` You may need to take some additional steps to get this working. Compile ProFTPD --with-modules=mod_sftp:mod_tls as well as sql. You may need to alter your PostGreSQL configuration (typically pg_hba.conf) to allow local IPv6 connections: ``` # IPv6 local connections: host all all ::1/128 trust ``` You may also need to add a table called 'groups' to allow the SFTP connection to your Galaxy database. ``` psql yourDB # CREATE TABLE sftp_groups ( id char(5) CONSTRAINT firstkey PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(40) NOT NULL, members varchar(100)); ``` With these steps, you should be able to allow users to connect to your server using secure protocols. ## Other Links - [Configuring ProFTP Galaxy Upload for Active Directory](https://galaxyproject.org/admin/config/proftpd-with-ad/) - [Uploading Data to usegalaxy.org via FTP](https://galaxyproject.org/ftp-upload/)