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Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.services.library_folder_contents

import logging

from galaxy import (
from galaxy.managers import base as managers_base
from galaxy.managers.folders import FolderManager
from galaxy.managers.hdas import HDAManager
from galaxy.model import tags
from galaxy.security.idencoding import IdEncodingHelper
from galaxy.webapps.base.controller import UsesLibraryMixinItems
from galaxy.webapps.galaxy.services.base import ServiceBase

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p"

[docs]class LibraryFolderContentsService(ServiceBase, UsesLibraryMixinItems): """ Interface/service shared by controllers for interacting with the contents of a library folder. """
[docs] def __init__(self, security: IdEncodingHelper, hda_manager: HDAManager, folder_manager: FolderManager): super().__init__(security) self.hda_manager = hda_manager self.folder_manager = folder_manager
[docs] def get_object(self, trans, id, class_name, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=False, deleted=None): """ Convenience method to get a model object with the specified checks. """ return managers_base.get_object(trans, id, class_name, check_ownership=check_ownership, check_accessible=check_accessible, deleted=deleted)
[docs] def index(self, trans, folder_id, limit=None, offset=None, search_text=None, include_deleted=False): """ Displays a collection (list) of a folder's contents (files and folders). Encoded folder ID is prepended with 'F' if it is a folder as opposed to a data set which does not have it. Full path is provided in response as a separate object providing data for breadcrumb path building. ..example: limit and offset can be combined. Skip the first two and return five: '?offset=2&limit=5' :param folder_id: encoded ID of the folder which contents should be library_dataset_dict :type folder_id: encoded string :param offset: number of folder contents to skip :type offset: optional int :param limit: maximum number of folder contents to return :type limit: optional int :param include_deleted: whether to include deleted items in the results :type include_deleted: optional bool (default False) :returns: dictionary containing all items and metadata :type: dict :raises: MalformedId, InconsistentDatabase, ObjectNotFound, InternalServerError """ is_admin = trans.user_is_admin current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles() decoded_folder_id = self.folder_manager.cut_and_decode(trans, folder_id) folder = self.folder_manager.get(trans, decoded_folder_id) # Special level of security on top of libraries. if trans.app.security_agent.can_access_library(current_user_roles, folder.parent_library) or is_admin: pass else: if trans.user: log.warning(f"SECURITY: User (id: {trans.user.id}) without proper access rights is trying to load folder with ID of {decoded_folder_id}") else: log.warning(f"SECURITY: Anonymous user is trying to load restricted folder with ID of {decoded_folder_id}") raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound(f'Folder with the id provided ( {folder_id} ) was not found') folder_contents = [] update_time = '' create_time = '' folders, datasets = self._apply_preferences(folder, include_deleted, search_text) # Go through every accessible item (folders, datasets) in the folder and include its metadata. for content_item in self._load_folder_contents(trans, folders, datasets, offset, limit): return_item = {} encoded_id = trans.security.encode_id(content_item.id) create_time = content_item.create_time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT) if content_item.api_type == FOLDER_TYPE_NAME: encoded_id = f'F{encoded_id}' can_modify = is_admin or (trans.user and trans.app.security_agent.can_modify_library_item(current_user_roles, folder)) can_manage = is_admin or (trans.user and trans.app.security_agent.can_manage_library_item(current_user_roles, folder)) update_time = content_item.update_time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT) return_item.update(dict(can_modify=can_modify, can_manage=can_manage)) if content_item.description: return_item.update(dict(description=content_item.description)) elif content_item.api_type == FILE_TYPE_NAME: # Is the dataset public or private? # When both are False the dataset is 'restricted' # Access rights are checked on the dataset level, not on the ld or ldda level to maintain consistency dataset = content_item.library_dataset_dataset_association.dataset is_unrestricted = trans.app.security_agent.dataset_is_public(dataset) is_private = not is_unrestricted and trans.user and trans.app.security_agent.dataset_is_private_to_user(trans, dataset) # Can user manage the permissions on the dataset? can_manage = is_admin or (trans.user and trans.app.security_agent.can_manage_dataset(current_user_roles, content_item.library_dataset_dataset_association.dataset)) raw_size = int(content_item.library_dataset_dataset_association.get_size()) nice_size = util.nice_size(raw_size) update_time = content_item.library_dataset_dataset_association.update_time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT) library_dataset_dict = content_item.to_dict() encoded_ldda_id = trans.security.encode_id(content_item.library_dataset_dataset_association.id) tag_manager = tags.GalaxyTagHandler(trans.sa_session) ldda_tags = tag_manager.get_tags_str(content_item.library_dataset_dataset_association.tags) return_item.update(dict(file_ext=library_dataset_dict['file_ext'], date_uploaded=library_dataset_dict['date_uploaded'], update_time=update_time, is_unrestricted=is_unrestricted, is_private=is_private, can_manage=can_manage, state=library_dataset_dict['state'], file_size=nice_size, raw_size=raw_size, ldda_id=encoded_ldda_id, tags=ldda_tags)) if content_item.library_dataset_dataset_association.message: return_item.update(dict(message=content_item.library_dataset_dataset_association.message)) elif content_item.library_dataset_dataset_association.info: # There is no message but ldda info contains something so we display that instead. return_item.update(dict(message=content_item.library_dataset_dataset_association.info)) # For every item include the default metadata return_item.update(dict(id=encoded_id, type=content_item.api_type, name=content_item.name, update_time=update_time, create_time=create_time, deleted=content_item.deleted)) folder_contents.append(return_item) # Return the reversed path so it starts with the library node. full_path = self._build_path(trans, folder)[::-1] user_can_add_library_item = is_admin or trans.app.security_agent.can_add_library_item(current_user_roles, folder) user_can_modify_folder = is_admin or trans.app.security_agent.can_modify_library_item(current_user_roles, folder) parent_library_id = None if folder.parent_library is not None: parent_library_id = trans.security.encode_id(folder.parent_library.id) total_rows = len(folders) + len(datasets) metadata = dict(full_path=full_path, total_rows=total_rows, can_add_library_item=user_can_add_library_item, can_modify_folder=user_can_modify_folder, folder_name=folder.name, folder_description=folder.description, parent_library_id=parent_library_id) folder_container = dict(metadata=metadata, folder_contents=folder_contents) return folder_container
[docs] def create(self, trans, encoded_folder_id, payload, **kwd): """ Create a new library file from an HDA. :param encoded_folder_id: the encoded id of the folder to import dataset(s) to :type encoded_folder_id: an encoded id string :param payload: dictionary structure containing: :param from_hda_id: (optional) the id of an accessible HDA to copy into the library :type from_hda_id: encoded id :param from_hdca_id: (optional) the id of an accessible HDCA to copy into the library :type from_hdca_id: encoded id :param ldda_message: (optional) the new message attribute of the LDDA created :type ldda_message: str :param extended_metadata: (optional) dub-dictionary containing any extended metadata to associate with the item :type extended_metadata: dict :type payload: dict :returns: a dictionary describing the new item if ``from_hda_id`` is supplied or a list of such dictionaries describing the new items if ``from_hdca_id`` is supplied. :rtype: object :raises: ObjectAttributeInvalidException, InsufficientPermissionsException, ItemAccessibilityException, InternalServerError """ if trans.user_is_bootstrap_admin: raise exceptions.RealUserRequiredException("Only real users can create a new library file.") encoded_folder_id_16 = self.__decode_library_content_id(trans, encoded_folder_id) from_hda_id = payload.pop('from_hda_id', None) from_hdca_id = payload.pop('from_hdca_id', None) ldda_message = payload.pop('ldda_message', '') try: if from_hda_id: decoded_hda_id = self.decode_id(from_hda_id) return self._copy_hda_to_library_folder(trans, self.hda_manager, decoded_hda_id, encoded_folder_id_16, ldda_message) if from_hdca_id: decoded_hdca_id = self.decode_id(from_hdca_id) return self._copy_hdca_to_library_folder(trans, self.hda_manager, decoded_hdca_id, encoded_folder_id_16, ldda_message) except Exception as exc: # TODO handle exceptions better within the mixins exc_message = util.unicodify(exc) if 'not accessible to the current user' in exc_message or 'You are not allowed to access this dataset' in exc_message: raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException('You do not have access to the requested item') else: log.exception(exc) raise exc
def __decode_library_content_id(self, trans, encoded_folder_id): """ Identify whether the id provided is properly encoded LibraryFolder. :param encoded_folder_id: encoded id of Galaxy LibraryFolder :type encoded_folder_id: encoded string :returns: encoded id of Folder (had 'F' prepended) :type: string :raises: MalformedId """ if ((len(encoded_folder_id) % 16 == 1) and encoded_folder_id.startswith('F')): return encoded_folder_id[1:] else: raise exceptions.MalformedId(f'Malformed folder id ( {str(encoded_folder_id)} ) specified, unable to decode.') def _build_path(self, trans, folder): """ Search the path upwards recursively and load the whole route of names and ids for breadcrumb building purposes. :param folder: current folder for navigating up :param type: Galaxy LibraryFolder :returns: list consisting of full path to the library :type: list """ path_to_root = [] # We are almost in root encoded_id = trans.security.encode_id(folder.id) path_to_root.append((f'F{encoded_id}', folder.name)) if folder.parent_id is not None: # We add the current folder and traverse up one folder. upper_folder = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.LibraryFolder).get(folder.parent_id) path_to_root.extend(self._build_path(trans, upper_folder)) return path_to_root def _load_folder_contents(self, trans, folders, datasets, offset=None, limit=None): """ Loads all contents of the folder (folders and data sets) but only in the first level. Include deleted if the flag is set and if the user has access to undelete it. :param folder: the folder which contents are being loaded :type folder: Galaxy LibraryFolder :param include_deleted: flag, when true the items that are deleted and can be undeleted by current user are shown :type include_deleted: boolean :returns: a list containing the requested items :type: list """ current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles() is_admin = trans.user_is_admin content_items = [] offset = 0 if offset is None else int(offset) limit = 0 if limit is None else int(limit) current_folders = self._calculate_pagination(folders, offset, limit) for subfolder in current_folders: if not subfolder.deleted or is_admin or trans.app.security_agent.can_modify_library_item(current_user_roles, subfolder): # Undeleted folders are non-restricted for now. # Admins or users with MODIFY permissions can see deleted folders. subfolder.api_type = FOLDER_TYPE_NAME content_items.append(subfolder) limit -= len(content_items) offset -= len(folders) offset = max(0, offset) current_datasets = self._calculate_pagination(datasets, offset, limit) for dataset in current_datasets: if dataset.deleted: if is_admin or trans.app.security_agent.can_modify_library_item(current_user_roles, dataset): # Admins or users with MODIFY permissions can see deleted folders. dataset.api_type = FILE_TYPE_NAME content_items.append(dataset) else: if is_admin or trans.app.security_agent.can_access_dataset(current_user_roles, dataset.library_dataset_dataset_association.dataset): # Admins or users with ACCESS permissions can see datasets. dataset.api_type = FILE_TYPE_NAME content_items.append(dataset) return content_items def _calculate_pagination(self, items, offset: int, limit: int): if limit > 0: paginated_items = items[offset:offset + limit] else: paginated_items = items[offset:] return paginated_items def _apply_preferences(self, folder, include_deleted: bool, search_text: str): def check_deleted(array, include_deleted): if include_deleted: result_array = array else: result_array = [data for data in array if data.deleted == include_deleted] return result_array def filter_searched_datasets(dataset): if dataset.library_dataset_dataset_association.message: description = dataset.library_dataset_dataset_association.message elif dataset.library_dataset_dataset_association.info: description = dataset.library_dataset_dataset_association.info else: description = '' return search_text in dataset.name or search_text in description datasets = check_deleted(folder.datasets, include_deleted) folders = check_deleted(folder.folders, include_deleted) if search_text is not None: folders = [item for item in folders if search_text in item.name or search_text in item.description] datasets = list(filter(filter_searched_datasets, datasets)) return folders, datasets