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Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api.history_contents

API operations on the contents of a history.
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from typing import (

import dateutil.parser
from fastapi import (
from starlette import status
from starlette.responses import Response, StreamingResponse

from galaxy import util
from galaxy.managers.context import ProvidesHistoryContext
from galaxy.schema import (
from galaxy.schema.fields import EncodedDatabaseIdField
from galaxy.schema.schema import (
from galaxy.web import (
from galaxy.webapps.base.controller import (
from galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api.common import (
from galaxy.webapps.galaxy.services.history_contents import (
from . import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

router = Router(tags=['histories'])

HistoryIDPathParam: EncodedDatabaseIdField = Path(
    title='History ID',
    description='The ID of the History.'

HistoryItemIDPathParam: EncodedDatabaseIdField = Path(
    title='History Item ID',
    description='The ID of the item (`HDA`/`HDCA`) contained in the history.'

HistoryHDCAIDPathParam: EncodedDatabaseIdField = Path(
    title='History Dataset Collection ID',
    description='The ID of the `HDCA` contained in the history.'

ContentTypeQueryParam = Query(
    title="Content Type",
    description="The type of the history element to show.",

[docs]def get_index_query_params( v: Optional[str] = Query( # Should this be deprecated at some point and directly use the latest version by default? default=None, title="Version", description="Only `dev` value is allowed. Set it to use the latest version of this endpoint.", example="dev", ), dataset_details: Optional[str] = Query( default=None, alias="details", title="Dataset Details", description=( "A comma-separated list of encoded dataset IDs that will return additional (full) details " "instead of the *summary* default information." ), deprecated=True, # TODO: remove 'dataset_details' when the UI doesn't need it ), ) -> HistoryContentsIndexParams: """This function is meant to be used as a dependency to render the OpenAPI documentation correctly""" return parse_index_query_params( v=v, dataset_details=dataset_details, )
[docs]def parse_index_query_params( v: Optional[str] = None, dataset_details: Optional[str] = None, **_, # Additional params are ignored ) -> HistoryContentsIndexParams: """Parses query parameters for the history contents `index` operation and returns a model containing the values in the correct type.""" return HistoryContentsIndexParams( v=v, dataset_details=parse_dataset_details(dataset_details), )
[docs]def get_legacy_index_query_params( ids: Optional[str] = Query( default=None, title="IDs", description=( "A comma-separated list of encoded `HDA/HDCA` IDs. If this list is provided, only information about the " "specific datasets will be returned. Also, setting this value will return `all` details of the content item." ), deprecated=True, ), types: Optional[str] = Query( default=None, title="Types", description=( "A list or comma-separated list of kinds of contents to return " "(currently just `dataset` and `dataset_collection` are available). " "If unset, all types will be returned." ), deprecated=True, ), type: Optional[str] = Query( default=None, title="Type", description="Legacy name for the `types` parameter.", deprecated=True, ), details: Optional[str] = Query( default=None, title="Details", description=( "Legacy name for the `dataset_details` parameter." ), deprecated=True, ), deleted: Optional[bool] = Query( default=None, title="Deleted", description="Whether to return deleted or undeleted datasets only. Leave unset for both.", deprecated=True, ), visible: Optional[bool] = Query( default=None, title="Visible", description="Whether to return visible or hidden datasets only. Leave unset for both.", deprecated=True, ), ) -> LegacyHistoryContentsIndexParams: """This function is meant to be used as a dependency to render the OpenAPI documentation correctly""" return parse_legacy_index_query_params( ids=ids, types=types, type=type, details=details, deleted=deleted, visible=visible, )
[docs]def parse_legacy_index_query_params( ids: Optional[str] = None, types: Optional[str] = None, type: Optional[str] = None, details: Optional[str] = None, deleted: Optional[bool] = None, visible: Optional[bool] = None, **_, # Additional params are ignored ) -> LegacyHistoryContentsIndexParams: """Parses (legacy) query parameters for the history contents `index` operation and returns a model containing the values in the correct type.""" types = types or type if types: content_types = util.listify(types) else: content_types = [e.value for e in HistoryContentType] id_list: Optional[List[EncodedDatabaseIdField]] = None if ids: id_list = util.listify(ids) # If explicit ids given, always used detailed result. dataset_details = 'all' else: dataset_details = parse_dataset_details(details) return LegacyHistoryContentsIndexParams( types=content_types, ids=id_list, deleted=deleted, visible=visible, dataset_details=dataset_details, )
[docs]def parse_dataset_details(details: Optional[str]): """Parses the different values that the `dataset_details` parameter can have from a string.""" dataset_details: Optional[DatasetDetailsType] = None if details and details != 'all': dataset_details = set(util.listify(details)) else: # either None or 'all' dataset_details = details # type: ignore return dataset_details
[docs]def get_index_jobs_summary_params( ids: Optional[str] = Query( default=None, title="IDs", description=( "A comma-separated list of encoded ids of job summary objects to return - if `ids` " "is specified types must also be specified and have same length." ), ), types: Optional[str] = Query( default=None, title="Types", description=( "A comma-separated list of type of object represented by elements in the `ids` array - any of " "`Job`, `ImplicitCollectionJob`, or `WorkflowInvocation`." ), ), ) -> HistoryContentsIndexJobsSummaryParams: """This function is meant to be used as a dependency to render the OpenAPI documentation correctly""" return parse_index_jobs_summary_params( ids=ids, types=types, )
[docs]def parse_index_jobs_summary_params( ids: Optional[str] = None, types: Optional[str] = None, **_, # Additional params are ignored ) -> HistoryContentsIndexJobsSummaryParams: """Parses query parameters for the history contents `index_jobs_summary` operation and returns a model containing the values in the correct type.""" return HistoryContentsIndexJobsSummaryParams( ids=util.listify(ids), types=util.listify(types) )
[docs]def parse_content_filter_params( params: Dict[str, Any], exclude: Optional[Set[str]] = None, ) -> HistoryContentsFilterList: """Alternative way of parsing query parameter for filtering history contents. Parses parameters like: ?[field]-[operator]=[value] Example: ?update_time-gt=2015-01-29 Currently used by the `contents_near` endpoint. The `exclude` set can contain names of parameters that will be ignored and not added to the filters. """ DEFAULT_OP = 'eq' splitchar = '-' exclude = exclude or set() result = [] for key, val in params.items(): if key in exclude: continue attr = key op = DEFAULT_OP if splitchar in key: attr, op = key.rsplit(splitchar, 1) result.append([attr, op, val]) return result
[docs]@router.cbv class FastAPIHistoryContents: service: HistoriesContentsService = depends(HistoriesContentsService)
[docs] @router.get( '/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{type}s', summary='Returns the contents of the given history filtered by type.', ) @router.get( '/api/histories/{history_id}/contents', name='history_contents', summary='Returns the contents of the given history.', ) def index( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, history_id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryIDPathParam, index_params: HistoryContentsIndexParams = Depends(get_index_query_params), legacy_params: LegacyHistoryContentsIndexParams = Depends(get_legacy_index_query_params), serialization_params: SerializationParams = Depends(query_serialization_params), filter_query_params: FilterQueryParams = Depends(get_filter_query_params), ): """ Return a list of `HDA`/`HDCA` data for the history with the given ``ID``. - The contents can be filtered and queried using the appropriate parameters. - The amount of information returned for each item can be customized. **Note**: Anonymous users are allowed to get their current history contents. """ items = self.service.index( trans, history_id, index_params, legacy_params, serialization_params, filter_query_params, ) return items
[docs] @router.get( '/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{type}s/{id}/jobs_summary', summary='Return detailed information about an `HDA` or `HDCAs` jobs.', ) def show_jobs_summary( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, history_id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryIDPathParam, id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryItemIDPathParam, type: HistoryContentType = ContentTypeQueryParam, ) -> AnyJobStateSummary: """Return detailed information about an `HDA` or `HDCAs` jobs. **Warning**: We allow anyone to fetch job state information about any object they can guess an encoded ID for - it isn't considered protected data. This keeps polling IDs as part of state calculation for large histories and collections as efficient as possible. """ return self.service.show_jobs_summary(trans, id, contents_type=type)
[docs] @router.get( '/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{type}s/{id}', name='history_content_typed', summary='Return detailed information about a specific HDA or HDCA with the given `ID` within a history.', response_model_exclude_unset=True, ) @router.get( '/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{id}', name='history_content', summary='Return detailed information about an HDA within a history.', response_model_exclude_unset=True, deprecated=True, ) def show( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, history_id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryIDPathParam, id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryItemIDPathParam, type: HistoryContentType = ContentTypeQueryParam, fuzzy_count: Optional[int] = Query( default=None, title="Fuzzy Count", description=( 'This value can be used to broadly restrict the magnitude ' 'of the number of elements returned via the API for large ' 'collections. The number of actual elements returned may ' 'be "a bit" more than this number or "a lot" less - varying ' 'on the depth of nesting, balance of nesting at each level, ' 'and size of target collection. The consumer of this API should ' 'not expect a stable number or pre-calculable number of ' 'elements to be produced given this parameter - the only ' 'promise is that this API will not respond with an order ' 'of magnitude more elements estimated with this value. ' 'The UI uses this parameter to fetch a "balanced" concept of ' 'the "start" of large collections at every depth of the ' 'collection.' ) ), serialization_params: SerializationParams = Depends(query_serialization_params), ) -> AnyHistoryContentItem: """ Return detailed information about an `HDA` or `HDCA` within a history. **Note**: Anonymous users are allowed to get their current history contents. """ return self.service.show( trans, id=id, serialization_params=serialization_params, contents_type=type, fuzzy_count=fuzzy_count, )
[docs] @router.get( '/api/histories/{history_id}/jobs_summary', summary='Return job state summary info for jobs, implicit groups jobs for collections or workflow invocations.', ) def index_jobs_summary( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, history_id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryIDPathParam, params: HistoryContentsIndexJobsSummaryParams = Depends(get_index_jobs_summary_params), ) -> List[AnyJobStateSummary]: """Return job state summary info for jobs, implicit groups jobs for collections or workflow invocations. **Warning**: We allow anyone to fetch job state information about any object they can guess an encoded ID for - it isn't considered protected data. This keeps polling IDs as part of state calculation for large histories and collections as efficient as possible. """ return self.service.index_jobs_summary(trans, params)
[docs] @router.get( '/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/dataset_collections/{id}/download', summary='Download the content of a dataset collection as a `zip` archive.', response_class=StreamingResponse, ) @router.get( '/api/dataset_collection/{id}/download', summary='Download the content of a dataset collection as a `zip` archive.', response_class=StreamingResponse, tags=["dataset collections"], ) def download_dataset_collection( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, history_id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryIDPathParam, id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryHDCAIDPathParam, ): """Download the content of a history dataset collection as a `zip` archive while maintaining approximate collection structure. """ archive = self.service.get_dataset_collection_archive_for_download(trans, id) return StreamingResponse(archive.response(), headers=archive.get_headers())
[docs] @router.post( '/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{type}s', summary='Create a new `HDA` or `HDCA` in the given History.', response_model_exclude_unset=True, ) @router.post( '/api/histories/{history_id}/contents', summary='Create a new `HDA` or `HDCA` in the given History.', response_model_exclude_unset=True, deprecated=True, ) def create( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, history_id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryIDPathParam, type: Optional[HistoryContentType] = Query( default=None, title="Content Type", description="The type of the history element to create.", example=HistoryContentType.dataset, ), serialization_params: SerializationParams = Depends(query_serialization_params), payload: CreateHistoryContentPayload = Body(...), ) -> Union[AnyHistoryContentItem, List[AnyHistoryContentItem]]: """Create a new `HDA` or `HDCA` in the given History.""" payload.type = type or payload.type return self.service.create(trans, history_id, payload, serialization_params)
[docs] @router.put( '/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{dataset_id}/permissions', summary='Set permissions of the given history dataset to the given role ids.', ) def update_permissions( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, history_id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryIDPathParam, dataset_id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryItemIDPathParam, # Using a generic Dict here as an attempt on supporting multiple aliases for the permissions params. payload: Dict[str, Any] = Body( default=..., example=UpdateDatasetPermissionsPayload(), ), ) -> DatasetAssociationRoles: """Set permissions of the given history dataset to the given role ids.""" update_payload = get_update_permission_payload(payload) return self.service.update_permissions(trans, dataset_id, update_payload)
[docs] @router.put( '/api/histories/{history_id}/contents', summary='Batch update specific properties of a set items contained in the given History.', ) def update_batch( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, history_id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryIDPathParam, serialization_params: SerializationParams = Depends(query_serialization_params), payload: UpdateHistoryContentsBatchPayload = Body(...), ) -> HistoryContentsResult: """Batch update specific properties of a set items contained in the given History. If you provide an invalid/unknown property key the request will not fail, but no changes will be made to the items. """ result = self.service.update_batch(trans, history_id, payload, serialization_params) return HistoryContentsResult.parse_obj(result)
[docs] @router.put( '/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{id}/validate', summary='Validates the metadata associated with a dataset within a History.', ) def validate( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, history_id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryIDPathParam, id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryItemIDPathParam, ) -> dict: # TODO: define a response? """Validates the metadata associated with a dataset within a History.""" return self.service.validate(trans, history_id, id)
[docs] @router.put( '/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{type}s/{id}', summary='Updates the values for the history content item with the given ``ID``.', response_model_exclude_unset=True, ) @router.put( '/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{id}', summary='Updates the values for the history content item with the given ``ID``.', response_model_exclude_unset=True, deprecated=True, ) def update( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, history_id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryIDPathParam, id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryItemIDPathParam, type: HistoryContentType = ContentTypeQueryParam, serialization_params: SerializationParams = Depends(query_serialization_params), payload: UpdateHistoryContentsPayload = Body(...), ) -> AnyHistoryContentItem: """Updates the values for the history content item with the given ``ID``.""" return self.service.update(trans, history_id, id, payload.dict(), serialization_params, contents_type=type)
[docs] @router.delete( '/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{type}s/{id}', summary='Delete the history content with the given ``ID`` and specified type.', ) @router.delete( '/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{id}', summary='Delete the history dataset with the given ``ID``.', ) def delete( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, history_id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryIDPathParam, id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryItemIDPathParam, type: HistoryContentType = ContentTypeQueryParam, serialization_params: SerializationParams = Depends(query_serialization_params), purge: Optional[bool] = Query( default=False, title="Purge", description="Whether to remove from disk the target HDA or child HDAs of the target HDCA.", deprecated=True, ), recursive: Optional[bool] = Query( default=False, title="Recursive", description="When deleting a dataset collection, whether to also delete containing datasets.", deprecated=True, ), payload: DeleteHistoryContentPayload = Body(None), ) -> DeleteHistoryContentResult: """ Delete the history content with the given ``ID`` and specified type (defaults to dataset). **Note**: Currently does not stop any active jobs for which this dataset is an output. """ # TODO: should we just use the default payload and deprecate the query params? if payload is None: payload = DeleteHistoryContentPayload() payload.purge = payload.purge or purge is True payload.recursive = payload.recursive or recursive is True rval = self.service.delete( trans, id=id, serialization_params=serialization_params, contents_type=type, payload=payload, ) return rval
[docs] @router.get( '/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/archive/{filename}.{format}', summary='Build and return a compressed archive of the selected history contents.', ) @router.get( '/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/archive/{id}', summary='Build and return a compressed archive of the selected history contents.', ) def archive( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, history_id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryIDPathParam, filename: Optional[str] = Query( default=None, description="The name that the Archive will have (defaults to history name).", ), format: Optional[str] = Query( default="zip", description="Output format of the archive.", deprecated=True, # Looks like is not really used? ), dry_run: Optional[bool] = Query( default=True, description="Whether to return the archive and file paths only (as JSON) and not an actual archive file.", ), filter_query_params: FilterQueryParams = Depends(get_filter_query_params), ): """Build and return a compressed archive of the selected history contents. **Note**: this is a volatile endpoint and settings and behavior may change.""" archive = self.service.archive(trans, history_id, filter_query_params, filename, dry_run) if isinstance(archive, HistoryContentsArchiveDryRunResult): return archive return StreamingResponse(archive.response(), headers=archive.get_headers())
[docs] @router.get( '/api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{direction}/{hid}/{limit}', summary='Get content items around a particular `HID`.', ) def contents_near( self, request: Request, response: Response, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext = DependsOnTrans, history_id: EncodedDatabaseIdField = HistoryIDPathParam, hid: int = Path( ..., title="Target HID", description="The target `HID` to get content around it.", ), direction: DirectionOptions = Path( ..., description="Determines what items are selected before, after or near the target `hid`.", ), limit: int = Path( ..., description="The maximum number of content items to return above and below the target `HID`.", ), since: Optional[datetime] = Query( default=None, description=( "A timestamp in ISO format to check if the history has changed since this particular date/time. " "If it hasn't changed, no additional processing will be done and 204 status code will be returned." ), ), serialization_params: SerializationParams = Depends(query_serialization_params), ) -> HistoryContentsResult: """ .. warning:: For internal use to support the scroller functionality. This endpoint provides random access to a large history without having to know exactly how many pages are in the final query. Pick a target HID and filters, and the endpoint will get a maximum of `limit` history items "around" the `hid`. Additional counts are provided in the HTTP headers. The `direction` determines what items are selected: a) item counts: - total matches-up: hid < {hid} - total matches-down: hid > {hid} - total matches: total matches-up + total matches-down + 1 (+1 for hid == {hid}) - displayed matches-up: hid <= {hid} (hid == {hid} is included) - displayed matches-down: hid > {hid} - displayed matches: displayed matches-up + displayed matches-down b) {limit} history items: - if direction == "before": hid <= {hid} - if direction == "after": hid > {hid} - if direction == "near": "near" {hid}, so that n. items before <= limit // 2, n. items after <= limit // 2 + 1. .. note:: This endpoint uses slightly different filter params syntax. Instead of using `q`/`qv` parameters, it uses the following syntax for query parameters:: ?[field]-[operator]=[value] Example:: ?update_time-gt=2015-01-29 """ serialization_params.default_view = serialization_params.default_view or "betawebclient" # Needed to parse arbitrary query parameter names for the filters. # Since we are directly accessing the request's query_params we also need to exclude the # known params that are already parsed by FastAPI or they may be treated as filter params too. # This looks a bit hacky... exclude_params = set(["since"]) exclude_params.update(SerializationParams.__fields__.keys()) filter_params = parse_content_filter_params(request.query_params._dict, exclude=exclude_params) result = self.service.contents_near( trans, history_id, serialization_params, filter_params, direction, hid, limit, since, ) if result is None: return Response(status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) response.headers.update(result.stats.to_headers()) return result.contents
[docs]class HistoryContentsController(BaseGalaxyAPIController, UsesLibraryMixinItems, UsesTagsMixin): service: HistoriesContentsService = depends(HistoriesContentsService)
[docs] @expose_api_anonymous def index(self, trans, history_id, **kwd): """ GET /api/histories/{history_id}/contents return a list of HDA data for the history with the given ``id`` .. note:: Anonymous users are allowed to get their current history contents If Ids is not given, index returns a list of *summary* objects for every HDA associated with the given `history_id`. If ids is given, index returns a *more complete* json object for each HDA in the ids list. :type history_id: str :param history_id: encoded id string of the HDA's History :type ids: str :param ids: (optional) a comma separated list of encoded `HDA` ids :param types: (optional) kinds of contents to index (currently just dataset, but dataset_collection will be added shortly). :type types: str :rtype: list :returns: dictionaries containing summary or detailed HDA information """ index_params = parse_index_query_params(**kwd) legacy_params = parse_legacy_index_query_params(**kwd) # Sometimes the `v=dev` version is called with `details` or `dataset_details` index_params.dataset_details = index_params.dataset_details or legacy_params.dataset_details serialization_params = parse_serialization_params(**kwd) filter_parameters = FilterQueryParams(**kwd) return self.service.index( trans, history_id, index_params, legacy_params, serialization_params, filter_parameters )
[docs] @expose_api_anonymous def show(self, trans, id, history_id, **kwd): """ GET /api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{id} GET /api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{type}/{id} return detailed information about an HDA or HDCA within a history .. note:: Anonymous users are allowed to get their current history contents :type id: str :param id: the encoded id of the HDA or HDCA to return :type type: str :param id: 'dataset' or 'dataset_collection' :type history_id: str :param history_id: encoded id string of the HDA's or HDCA's History :type view: str :param view: if fetching a dataset collection - the view style of the dataset collection to produce. 'collection' returns no element information, 'element' returns detailed element information for all datasets, 'element-reference' returns a minimal set of information about datasets (for instance id, type, and state but not metadata, peek, info, or name). The default is 'element'. :type fuzzy_count: int :param fuzzy_count: this value can be used to broadly restrict the magnitude of the number of elements returned via the API for large collections. The number of actual elements returned may be "a bit" more than this number or "a lot" less - varying on the depth of nesting, balance of nesting at each level, and size of target collection. The consumer of this API should not expect a stable number or pre-calculable number of elements to be produced given this parameter - the only promise is that this API will not respond with an order of magnitude more elements estimated with this value. The UI uses this parameter to fetch a "balanced" concept of the "start" of large collections at every depth of the collection. :rtype: dict :returns: dictionary containing detailed HDA or HDCA information """ serialization_params = parse_serialization_params(**kwd) contents_type = self.__get_contents_type(kwd) fuzzy_count = kwd.get("fuzzy_count", None) if fuzzy_count: fuzzy_count = int(fuzzy_count) return self.service.show(trans, id, serialization_params, contents_type, fuzzy_count)
[docs] @expose_api_anonymous def index_jobs_summary(self, trans, history_id, **kwd): """ * GET /api/histories/{history_id}/jobs_summary return job state summary info for jobs, implicit groups jobs for collections or workflow invocations Warning: We allow anyone to fetch job state information about any object they can guess an encoded ID for - it isn't considered protected data. This keeps polling IDs as part of state calculation for large histories and collections as efficient as possible. :type history_id: str :param history_id: encoded id string of the target history :type ids: str[] :param ids: the encoded ids of job summary objects to return - if ids is specified types must also be specified and have same length. :type types: str[] :param types: type of object represented by elements in the ids array - any of Job, ImplicitCollectionJob, or WorkflowInvocation. :rtype: dict[] :returns: an array of job summary object dictionaries. """ params = parse_index_jobs_summary_params(**kwd) return self.service.index_jobs_summary(trans, params)
[docs] @expose_api_anonymous def show_jobs_summary(self, trans, id, history_id, **kwd): """ * GET /api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{type}/{id}/jobs_summary return detailed information about an HDA or HDCAs jobs Warning: We allow anyone to fetch job state information about any object they can guess an encoded ID for - it isn't considered protected data. This keeps polling IDs as part of state calculation for large histories and collections as efficient as possible. :type id: str :param id: the encoded id of the HDA to return :type history_id: str :param history_id: encoded id string of the HDA's or the HDCA's History :rtype: dict :returns: dictionary containing jobs summary object """ contents_type = self.__get_contents_type(kwd) return self.service.show_jobs_summary(trans, id, contents_type)
def __get_contents_type(self, kwd: dict) -> HistoryContentType: contents_type = kwd.get('type', 'dataset') return HistoryContentType(contents_type)
[docs] @expose_api_raw_anonymous def download_dataset_collection(self, trans, id, history_id=None, **kwd): """ GET /api/histories/{history_id}/contents/dataset_collections/{id}/download GET /api/dataset_collection/{id}/download Download the content of a HistoryDatasetCollection as a tgz archive while maintaining approximate collection structure. :param id: encoded HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation (HDCA) id :param history_id: encoded id string of the HDCA's History """ archive = self.service.get_dataset_collection_archive_for_download(trans, id) trans.response.headers.update(archive.get_headers()) return archive.response()
[docs] @expose_api_anonymous def create(self, trans, history_id, payload, **kwd): """ POST /api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{type}s POST /api/histories/{history_id}/contents create a new HDA or HDCA :type history_id: str :param history_id: encoded id string of the new HDA's History :type type: str :param type: Type of history content - 'dataset' (default) or 'dataset_collection'. This can be passed in via payload or parsed from the route. :type payload: dict :param payload: dictionary structure containing: copy from library (for type 'dataset'): 'source' = 'library' 'content' = [the encoded id from the library dataset] copy from library folder 'source' = 'library_folder' 'content' = [the encoded id from the library folder] copy from history dataset (for type 'dataset'): 'source' = 'hda' 'content' = [the encoded id from the HDA] copy from history dataset collection (for type 'dataset_collection') 'source' = 'hdca' 'content' = [the encoded id from the HDCA] 'copy_elements' Copy child HDAs into the target history as well, defaults to False but this is less than ideal and may be changed in future releases. create new history dataset collection (for type 'dataset_collection') 'source' 'new_collection' (default 'source' if type is 'dataset_collection' - no need to specify this) 'collection_type' For example, "list", "paired", "list:paired". 'copy_elements' Copy child HDAs when creating new collection, defaults to False in the API but is set to True in the UI, so that we can modify HDAs with tags when creating collections. 'name' Name of new dataset collection. 'element_identifiers' Recursive list structure defining collection. Each element must have 'src' which can be 'hda', 'ldda', 'hdca', or 'new_collection', as well as a 'name' which is the name of element (e.g. "forward" or "reverse" for paired datasets, or arbitrary sample names for instance for lists). For all src's except 'new_collection' - a encoded 'id' attribute must be included wiht element as well. 'new_collection' sources must defined a 'collection_type' and their own list of (potentially) nested 'element_identifiers'. ..note: Currently, a user can only copy an HDA from a history that the user owns. :rtype: dict :returns: dictionary containing detailed information for the new HDA """ serialization_params = parse_serialization_params(**kwd) create_payload = CreateHistoryContentPayload(**payload) create_payload.type = kwd.get("type") or create_payload.type return self.service.create(trans, history_id, create_payload, serialization_params)
[docs] @expose_api def show_roles(self, trans, encoded_dataset_id, **kwd): """ Display information about current or available roles for a given dataset permission. * GET /api/histories/{history_id}/contents/datasets/{encoded_dataset_id}/permissions :param encoded_dataset_id: the encoded id of the dataset to query :type encoded_dataset_id: an encoded id string :returns: either dict of current roles for all permission types or dict of available roles to choose from (is the same for any permission type) :rtype: dictionary :raises: InsufficientPermissionsException """ raise NotImplementedError() # TODO: This endpoint doesn't seem to be in use, remove?
# hda = self.hda_manager.get_owned(self.decode_id(encoded_dataset_id), trans.user, current_history=trans.history, trans=trans) # return self.hda_manager.serialize_dataset_association_roles(trans, hda)
[docs] @expose_api def update_permissions(self, trans, history_id, history_content_id, payload: Dict[str, Any] = None, **kwd): """ Set permissions of the given library dataset to the given role ids. PUT /api/histories/{history_id}/contents/datasets/{encoded_dataset_id}/permissions :param encoded_dataset_id: the encoded id of the dataset to update permissions of :type encoded_dataset_id: an encoded id string :param payload: dictionary structure containing: :param action: (required) describes what action should be performed available actions: make_private, remove_restrictions, set_permissions :type action: string :param access_ids[]: list of Role.id defining roles that should have access permission on the dataset :type access_ids[]: string or list :param manage_ids[]: list of Role.id defining roles that should have manage permission on the dataset :type manage_ids[]: string or list :param modify_ids[]: list of Role.id defining roles that should have modify permission on the library dataset item :type modify_ids[]: string or list :type: dictionary :returns: dict of current roles for all available permission types :rtype: dictionary :raises: RequestParameterInvalidException, ObjectNotFound, InsufficientPermissionsException, InternalServerError RequestParameterMissingException """ if payload: kwd.update(payload) update_payload = get_update_permission_payload(kwd) return self.service.update_permissions(trans, history_content_id, update_payload)
[docs] @expose_api_anonymous def update_batch(self, trans, history_id, payload, **kwd): """ PUT /api/histories/{history_id}/contents :type history_id: str :param history_id: encoded id string of the history containing supplied items :type id: str :param id: the encoded id of the history to update :type payload: dict :param payload: a dictionary containing any or all the :rtype: dict :returns: an error object if an error occurred or a dictionary containing any values that were different from the original and, therefore, updated """ serialization_params = parse_serialization_params(**kwd) update_payload = UpdateHistoryContentsBatchPayload.parse_obj(payload) return self.service.update_batch(trans, history_id, update_payload, serialization_params)
[docs] @expose_api_anonymous def update(self, trans, history_id, id, payload, **kwd): """ update( self, trans, history_id, id, payload, **kwd ) * PUT /api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{id} updates the values for the history content item with the given ``id`` :type history_id: str :param history_id: encoded id string of the items's History :type id: str :param id: the encoded id of the history item to update :type payload: dict :param payload: a dictionary containing any or all the fields in :func:`galaxy.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation.to_dict` and/or the following: * annotation: an annotation for the HDA :rtype: dict :returns: an error object if an error occurred or a dictionary containing any values that were different from the original and, therefore, updated """ serialization_params = parse_serialization_params(**kwd) contents_type = self.__get_contents_type(kwd) return self.service.update( trans, history_id, id, payload, serialization_params, contents_type )
[docs] @expose_api_anonymous def validate(self, trans, history_id, history_content_id, payload=None, **kwd): """ PUT /api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{id}/validate updates the values for the history content item with the given ``id`` :type history_id: str :param history_id: encoded id string of the items's History :type id: str :param id: the encoded id of the history item to validate :rtype: dict :returns: TODO """ return self.service.validate(trans, history_id, history_content_id)
[docs] @expose_api_anonymous def delete(self, trans, history_id, id, purge=False, recursive=False, **kwd): """ DELETE /api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{id} DELETE /api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{type}s/{id} delete the history content with the given ``id`` and specified type (defaults to dataset) .. note:: Currently does not stop any active jobs for which this dataset is an output. :type id: str :param id: the encoded id of the history to delete :type recursive: bool :param recursive: if True, and deleted an HDCA also delete containing HDAs :type purge: bool :param purge: if True, purge the target HDA or child HDAs of the target HDCA :type kwd: dict :param kwd: (optional) dictionary structure containing: * payload: a dictionary itself containing: * purge: if True, purge the HDA * recursive: if True, see above. .. note:: that payload optionally can be placed in the query string of the request. This allows clients that strip the request body to still purge the dataset. :rtype: dict :returns: an error object if an error occurred or a dictionary containing: * id: the encoded id of the history, * deleted: if the history content was marked as deleted, * purged: if the history content was purged """ serialization_params = parse_serialization_params(**kwd) contents_type = self.__get_contents_type(kwd) purge = util.string_as_bool(purge) recursive = util.string_as_bool(recursive) if kwd.get('payload', None): # payload takes priority purge = util.string_as_bool(kwd['payload'].get('purge', purge)) recursive = util.string_as_bool(kwd['payload'].get('recursive', recursive)) delete_payload = DeleteHistoryContentPayload(purge=purge, recursive=recursive) return self.service.delete(trans, id, serialization_params, contents_type, delete_payload)
[docs] @expose_api def archive(self, trans, history_id, filename='', format='zip', dry_run=True, **kwd): """ archive( self, trans, history_id, filename='', format='zip', dry_run=True, **kwd ) * GET /api/histories/{history_id}/contents/archive/{id} * GET /api/histories/{history_id}/contents/archive/{filename}.{format} build and return a compressed archive of the selected history contents :type filename: string :param filename: (optional) archive name (defaults to history name) :type dry_run: boolean :param dry_run: (optional) if True, return the archive and file paths only as json and not an archive file :returns: archive file for download .. note:: this is a volatile endpoint and settings and behavior may change. """ dry_run = util.string_as_bool(dry_run) filter_parameters = FilterQueryParams(**kwd) archive = self.service.archive(trans, history_id, filter_parameters, filename, dry_run) if not isinstance(archive, HistoryContentsArchiveDryRunResult): trans.response.headers.update(archive.get_headers()) return archive.response() return archive
[docs] @expose_api_anonymous def contents_near(self, trans, history_id, direction, hid, limit, **kwd): """ Returns the following data: a) item counts: - total matches-up: hid < {hid} - total matches-down: hid > {hid} - total matches: total matches-up + total matches-down + 1 (+1 for hid == {hid}) - displayed matches-up: hid <= {hid} (hid == {hid} is included) - displayed matches-down: hid > {hid} - displayed matches: displayed matches-up + displayed matches-down b) {limit} history items: - if direction == "before": hid <= {hid} - if direction == "after": hid > {hid} - if direction == "near": "near" {hid}, so that n. items before <= limit // 2, n. items after <= limit // 2 + 1. Intended purpose: supports scroller functionality. GET /api/histories/{history_id}/contents/{direction:near|before|after}/{hid}/{limit} """ serialization_params = parse_serialization_params(default_view='betawebclient', **kwd) since_str = kwd.pop('since', None) if since_str: since = dateutil.parser.isoparse(since_str) else: since = None filter_params = parse_content_filter_params(kwd) hid = int(hid) limit = int(limit) result = self.service.contents_near( trans, history_id, serialization_params, filter_params, direction, hid, limit, since, ) if result is None: trans.response.status = 204 return # Put stats in http headers trans.response.headers.update(result.stats.to_headers()) return result.contents