
This document is for an old release of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.model.migrate.versions.0083_add_prepare_files_to_task

Migration script to add 'prepare_input_files_cmd' column to the task table and to rename a column.

import logging

from sqlalchemy import Column, MetaData, String, Table, TEXT

from galaxy.model.migrate.versions.util import add_column, drop_column

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
metadata = MetaData()

[docs]def upgrade(migrate_engine): print(__doc__) metadata.bind = migrate_engine metadata.reflect() task_table = Table("task", metadata, autoload=True) c = Column("prepare_input_files_cmd", TEXT, nullable=True) add_column(c, task_table, metadata) c = Column("working_directory", String(1024), nullable=True) add_column(c, task_table, metadata) # remove the 'part_file' column - nobody used tasks before this, so no data needs to be migrated drop_column('part_file', task_table)
[docs]def downgrade(migrate_engine): metadata.bind = migrate_engine metadata.reflect() task_table = Table("task", metadata, autoload=True) c = Column("part_file", String(1024), nullable=True) add_column(c, task_table, metadata) drop_column('working_directory', task_table) drop_column('prepare_input_files_cmd', task_table)