This document is for an old release of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.
Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api.library_datasets
"""API operations on the library datasets."""
import glob
import logging
import os
import os.path
import string
from json import dumps
from paste.httpexceptions import HTTPBadRequest, HTTPInternalServerError
from galaxy import (
from galaxy.actions.library import LibraryActions
from galaxy.exceptions import ObjectNotFound
from galaxy.managers import (
base as managers_base,
from galaxy.structured_app import StructuredApp
from galaxy.tools.actions import upload_common
from galaxy.tools.parameters import populate_state
from galaxy.util.path import (
from galaxy.util.zipstream import ZipstreamWrapper
from galaxy.web import (
from galaxy.webapps.base.controller import (
from . import BaseGalaxyAPIController
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class LibraryDatasetsController(BaseGalaxyAPIController, UsesVisualizationMixin, LibraryActions):
[docs] def __init__(self, app: StructuredApp):
self.app = app
self.folder_manager = folders.FolderManager()
self.role_manager = roles.RoleManager(app)
self.ld_manager = library_datasets.LibraryDatasetsManager(app)
self.ldda_manager = lddas.LDDAManager(app)
[docs] @expose_api_anonymous
def show(self, trans, id, **kwd):
GET /api/libraries/datasets/{encoded_dataset_id}
Show the details of a library dataset.
:param id: the encoded id of the library dataset to query
:type id: an encoded id string
:returns: detailed library dataset information
:rtype: dictionary
ld = self.ld_manager.get(trans, managers_base.decode_id(self.app, id))
serialized = self.ld_manager.serialize(trans, ld)
return serialized
[docs] @expose_api_anonymous
def show_version(self, trans, encoded_dataset_id, encoded_ldda_id, **kwd):
GET /api/libraries/datasets/{encoded_dataset_id}/versions/{encoded_ldda_id}
Display a specific version of a library dataset (i.e. ldda).
:param encoded_dataset_id: the encoded id of the related library dataset
:type encoded_dataset_id: an encoded id string
:param encoded_ldda_id: the encoded id of the ldda to query
:type encoded_ldda_id: an encoded id string
:returns: dict of ldda's details
:rtype: dictionary
:raises: ObjectNotFound
library_dataset = self.ld_manager.get(trans, managers_base.decode_id(self.app, encoded_dataset_id))
ldda = self.get_library_dataset_dataset_association(trans, id=encoded_ldda_id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=False)
except Exception as e:
raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound('Requested version of library dataset was not found.' + util.unicodify(e))
if ldda not in library_dataset.expired_datasets:
raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound('Given library dataset does not have the requested version.')
rval = trans.security.encode_all_ids(ldda.to_dict())
return rval
[docs] @expose_api
def show_roles(self, trans, encoded_dataset_id, **kwd):
GET /api/libraries/datasets/{encoded_dataset_id}/permissions
Display information about current or available roles for a given dataset permission.
:param encoded_dataset_id: the encoded id of the dataset to query
:type encoded_dataset_id: an encoded id string
:param scope: either 'current' or 'available'
:type scope: string
:returns: either dict of current roles for all permission types
or dict of available roles to choose from (is the same for any permission type)
:rtype: dictionary
:raises: InsufficientPermissionsException
current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles()
library_dataset = self.ld_manager.get(trans, managers_base.decode_id(self.app, encoded_dataset_id))
dataset = library_dataset.library_dataset_dataset_association.dataset
# User has to have manage permissions permission in order to see the roles.
can_manage = trans.app.security_agent.can_manage_dataset(current_user_roles, dataset) or trans.user_is_admin
if not can_manage:
raise exceptions.InsufficientPermissionsException('You do not have proper permission to access permissions.')
scope = kwd.get('scope', None)
if scope in ['current', None]:
return self._get_current_roles(trans, library_dataset)
elif scope in ['available']:
page = kwd.get('page', None)
if page is not None:
page = int(page)
page = 1
page_limit = kwd.get('page_limit', None)
if page_limit is not None:
page_limit = int(page_limit)
page_limit = 10
query = kwd.get('q', None)
roles, total_roles = trans.app.security_agent.get_valid_roles(trans, dataset, query, page, page_limit)
return_roles = []
for role in roles:
role_id = trans.security.encode_id(role.id)
return_roles.append(dict(id=role_id, name=role.name, type=role.type))
return dict(roles=return_roles, page=page, page_limit=page_limit, total=total_roles)
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("The value of 'scope' parameter is invalid. Alllowed values: current, available")
def _get_current_roles(self, trans, library_dataset):
Find all roles currently connected to relevant permissions
on the library dataset and the underlying dataset.
:param library_dataset: the model object
:type library_dataset: LibraryDataset
:rtype: dictionary
:returns: dict of current roles for all available permission types
return self.ldda_manager.serialize_dataset_association_roles(trans, library_dataset)
[docs] @expose_api
def update(self, trans, encoded_dataset_id, payload=None, **kwd):
PATCH /api/libraries/datasets/{encoded_dataset_id}
Update the given library dataset (the latest linked ldda).
:param encoded_dataset_id: the encoded id of the library dataset to update
:type encoded_dataset_id: an encoded id string
:param payload: dictionary structure containing::
:param name: new ld's name, must be longer than 0
:type name: str
:param misc_info: new ld's misc info
:type misc_info: str
:param file_ext: new ld's extension, must exist in the Galaxy registry
:type file_ext: str
:param genome_build: new ld's genome build
:type genome_build: str
:param tags: list of dataset tags
:type tags: list
:type payload: dict
:returns: detailed library dataset information
:rtype: dictionary
library_dataset = self.ld_manager.get(trans, managers_base.decode_id(self.app, encoded_dataset_id))
updated = self.ld_manager.update(trans, library_dataset, payload)
serialized = self.ld_manager.serialize(trans, updated)
return serialized
[docs] @expose_api
def update_permissions(self, trans, encoded_dataset_id, payload=None, **kwd):
POST /api/libraries/datasets/{encoded_dataset_id}/permissions
Set permissions of the given library dataset to the given role ids.
:param encoded_dataset_id: the encoded id of the dataset to update permissions of
:type encoded_dataset_id: an encoded id string
:param payload: dictionary structure containing:
:param action: (required) describes what action should be performed
available actions: make_private, remove_restrictions, set_permissions
:type action: string
:param access_ids[]: list of Role.id defining roles that should have access permission on the dataset
:type access_ids[]: string or list
:param manage_ids[]: list of Role.id defining roles that should have manage permission on the dataset
:type manage_ids[]: string or list
:param modify_ids[]: list of Role.id defining roles that should have modify permission on the library dataset item
:type modify_ids[]: string or list
:type: dictionary
:returns: dict of current roles for all available permission types
:rtype: dictionary
:raises: RequestParameterInvalidException, ObjectNotFound, InsufficientPermissionsException, InternalServerError
if payload:
action = kwd.get('action', None)
if action not in ['remove_restrictions', 'make_private', 'set_permissions']:
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException('The mandatory parameter "action" has an invalid value. '
'Allowed values are: "remove_restrictions", "make_private", "set_permissions"')
library_dataset = self.ld_manager.get(trans, managers_base.decode_id(self.app, encoded_dataset_id))
# Some permissions are attached directly to the underlying dataset.
dataset = library_dataset.library_dataset_dataset_association.dataset
current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles()
can_manage = trans.app.security_agent.can_manage_dataset(current_user_roles, dataset) or trans.user_is_admin
if not can_manage:
raise exceptions.InsufficientPermissionsException('You do not have proper permissions to manage permissions on this dataset.')
new_access_roles_ids = util.listify(kwd.get('access_ids[]', None))
new_manage_roles_ids = util.listify(kwd.get('manage_ids[]', None))
new_modify_roles_ids = util.listify(kwd.get('modify_ids[]', None))
if action == 'remove_restrictions':
if not trans.app.security_agent.dataset_is_public(dataset):
raise exceptions.InternalServerError('An error occurred while making dataset public.')
elif action == 'make_private':
if not trans.app.security_agent.dataset_is_private_to_user(trans, dataset):
private_role = trans.app.security_agent.get_private_user_role(trans.user)
dp = trans.app.model.DatasetPermissions(trans.app.security_agent.permitted_actions.DATASET_ACCESS.action, dataset, private_role)
if not trans.app.security_agent.dataset_is_private_to_user(trans, dataset):
# Check again and inform the user if dataset is not private.
raise exceptions.InternalServerError('An error occurred and the dataset is NOT private.')
elif action == 'set_permissions':
valid_access_roles = []
invalid_access_roles_ids = []
valid_roles_for_dataset, total_roles = trans.app.security_agent.get_valid_roles(trans, dataset)
if new_access_roles_ids is None:
for role_id in new_access_roles_ids:
role = self.role_manager.get(trans, managers_base.decode_id(self.app, role_id))
if role in valid_roles_for_dataset:
if len(invalid_access_roles_ids) > 0:
log.warning("The following roles could not be added to the dataset access permission: " + str(invalid_access_roles_ids))
access_permission = dict(access=valid_access_roles)
trans.app.security_agent.set_dataset_permission(dataset, access_permission)
valid_manage_roles = []
invalid_manage_roles_ids = []
new_manage_roles_ids = util.listify(new_manage_roles_ids)
for role_id in new_manage_roles_ids:
role = self.role_manager.get(trans, managers_base.decode_id(self.app, role_id))
if role in valid_roles_for_dataset:
if len(invalid_manage_roles_ids) > 0:
log.warning("The following roles could not be added to the dataset manage permission: " + str(invalid_manage_roles_ids))
manage_permission = {trans.app.security_agent.permitted_actions.DATASET_MANAGE_PERMISSIONS: valid_manage_roles}
trans.app.security_agent.set_dataset_permission(dataset, manage_permission)
valid_modify_roles = []
invalid_modify_roles_ids = []
new_modify_roles_ids = util.listify(new_modify_roles_ids)
for role_id in new_modify_roles_ids:
role = self.role_manager.get(trans, managers_base.decode_id(self.app, role_id))
if role in valid_roles_for_dataset:
if len(invalid_modify_roles_ids) > 0:
log.warning("The following roles could not be added to the dataset modify permission: " + str(invalid_modify_roles_ids))
modify_permission = {trans.app.security_agent.permitted_actions.LIBRARY_MODIFY: valid_modify_roles}
trans.app.security_agent.set_library_item_permission(library_dataset, modify_permission)
return self._get_current_roles(trans, library_dataset)
[docs] @expose_api
def delete(self, trans, encoded_dataset_id, **kwd):
DELETE /api/libraries/datasets/{encoded_dataset_id}
Mark the dataset deleted or undeleted.
:param encoded_dataset_id: the encoded id of the dataset to change
:type encoded_dataset_id: an encoded id string
:param undelete: flag whether to undeleted instead of deleting
:type undelete: bool
:returns: dict containing information about the dataset
:rtype: dictionary
undelete = util.string_as_bool(kwd.get('undelete', False))
library_dataset = self.ld_manager.get(trans, managers_base.decode_id(self.app, encoded_dataset_id))
current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles()
allowed = trans.app.security_agent.can_modify_library_item(current_user_roles, library_dataset)
if (not allowed) and (not trans.user_is_admin):
raise exceptions.InsufficientPermissionsException('You do not have proper permissions to delete this dataset.')
if undelete:
library_dataset.deleted = False
library_dataset.deleted = True
rval = trans.security.encode_all_ids(library_dataset.to_dict())
nice_size = util.nice_size(int(library_dataset.library_dataset_dataset_association.get_size()))
rval['file_size'] = nice_size
rval['update_time'] = library_dataset.update_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p")
rval['deleted'] = library_dataset.deleted
rval['folder_id'] = 'F' + rval['folder_id']
return rval
[docs] @expose_api
def load(self, trans, payload=None, **kwd):
POST /api/libraries/datasets
Load dataset(s) from the given source into the library.
:param payload: dictionary structure containing:
:param encoded_folder_id: the encoded id of the folder to import dataset(s) to
:type encoded_folder_id: an encoded id string
:param source:
source the datasets should be loaded from. Source can be:
- user directory
root folder specified in galaxy.ini as "$user_library_import_dir"
example path: path/to/galaxy/$user_library_import_dir/user@example.com/{user can browse everything here}
the folder with the user login has to be created beforehand
- (admin)import directory
root folder specified in galaxy ini as "$library_import_dir"
example path: path/to/galaxy/$library_import_dir/{admin can browse everything here}
- (admin)any absolute or relative path
option allowed with "allow_library_path_paste" in galaxy.ini
:type source: str
:param link_data:
flag whether to link the dataset to data or copy it to Galaxy, defaults to copy
while linking is set to True all symlinks will be resolved _once_
:type link_data: bool
:param preserve_dirs:
flag whether to preserve the directory structure when importing dir
if False only datasets will be imported
:type preserve_dirs: bool
:param file_type: file type of the loaded datasets, defaults to 'auto' (autodetect)
:type file_type: str
:param dbkey: dbkey of the loaded genome, defaults to '?' (unknown)
:type dbkey: str
:param tag_using_filenames: flag whether to generate dataset tags from filenames
:type tag_using_filenames: bool
:type dictionary
:returns: dict containing information about the created upload job
:rtype: dictionary
:raises: RequestParameterMissingException, AdminRequiredException, ConfigDoesNotAllowException, RequestParameterInvalidException
InsufficientPermissionsException, ObjectNotFound
if payload:
kwd['space_to_tab'] = False
kwd['to_posix_lines'] = True
kwd['dbkey'] = kwd.get('dbkey', '?')
kwd['file_type'] = kwd.get('file_type', 'auto')
kwd['link_data_only'] = 'link_to_files' if util.string_as_bool(kwd.get('link_data', False)) else 'copy_files'
kwd['tag_using_filenames'] = util.string_as_bool(kwd.get('tag_using_filenames', None))
encoded_folder_id = kwd.get('encoded_folder_id', None)
if encoded_folder_id is not None:
folder_id = self.folder_manager.cut_and_decode(trans, encoded_folder_id)
raise exceptions.RequestParameterMissingException('The required attribute encoded_folder_id is missing.')
path = kwd.get('path', None)
if path is None:
raise exceptions.RequestParameterMissingException('The required attribute path is missing.')
if not isinstance(path, str):
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException('The required attribute path is not String.')
folder = self.folder_manager.get(trans, folder_id)
source = kwd.get('source', None)
if source not in ['userdir_file', 'userdir_folder', 'importdir_file', 'importdir_folder', 'admin_path']:
raise exceptions.RequestParameterMissingException('You have to specify "source" parameter. Possible values are "userdir_file", "userdir_folder", "admin_path", "importdir_file" and "importdir_folder". ')
elif source in ['importdir_file', 'importdir_folder']:
if not trans.user_is_admin:
raise exceptions.AdminRequiredException('Only admins can import from importdir.')
if not trans.app.config.library_import_dir:
raise exceptions.ConfigDoesNotAllowException('The configuration of this Galaxy instance does not allow admins to import into library from importdir.')
import_base_dir = trans.app.config.library_import_dir
if not safe_relpath(path):
# admins shouldn't be able to explicitly specify a path outside server_dir, but symlinks are allowed.
# the reasoning here is that galaxy admins may not have direct filesystem access or can only access
# library_import_dir via FTP (which cannot create symlinks), and may rely on sysadmins to set up the
# import directory. if they have filesystem access, all bets are off.
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException('The given path is invalid.')
path = os.path.join(import_base_dir, path)
elif source in ['userdir_file', 'userdir_folder']:
username = trans.user.username if trans.app.config.user_library_import_check_permissions else None
user_login = trans.user.email
user_base_dir = trans.app.config.user_library_import_dir
if user_base_dir is None:
raise exceptions.ConfigDoesNotAllowException('The configuration of this Galaxy instance does not allow upload from user directories.')
full_dir = os.path.join(user_base_dir, user_login)
if not safe_contains(full_dir, path, allowlist=trans.app.config.user_library_import_symlink_allowlist):
# the path is a symlink outside the user dir
path = os.path.join(full_dir, path)
log.error('User attempted to import a path that resolves to a path outside of their import dir: %s -> %s', path, os.path.realpath(path))
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException('The given path is invalid.')
if trans.app.config.user_library_import_check_permissions and not full_path_permission_for_user(full_dir, path, username):
log.error('User attempted to import a path that resolves to a path outside of their import dir: '
'%s -> %s and cannot be read by them.', path, os.path.realpath(path))
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException('The given path is invalid.')
path = os.path.join(full_dir, path)
if unsafe_walk(path, allowlist=[full_dir] + trans.app.config.user_library_import_symlink_allowlist, username=username):
# the path is a dir and contains files that symlink outside the user dir
error = 'User attempted to import a path that resolves to a path outside of their import dir: %s -> %s', \
path, os.path.realpath(path)
if trans.app.config.user_library_import_check_permissions:
error += ' or is not readable for them.'
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException('The given path is invalid.')
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException('Given path does not exist on the host.')
if not self.folder_manager.can_add_item(trans, folder):
raise exceptions.InsufficientPermissionsException('You do not have proper permission to add items to the given folder.')
elif source == 'admin_path':
if not trans.app.config.allow_library_path_paste:
raise exceptions.ConfigDoesNotAllowException('The configuration of this Galaxy instance does not allow admins to import into library from path.')
if not trans.user_is_admin:
raise exceptions.AdminRequiredException('Only admins can import from path.')
# Set up the traditional tool state/params
tool_id = 'upload1'
tool = trans.app.toolbox.get_tool(tool_id)
state = tool.new_state(trans)
populate_state(trans, tool.inputs, kwd, state.inputs)
tool_params = state.inputs
dataset_upload_inputs = []
for input in tool.inputs.values():
if input.type == "upload_dataset":
library_bunch = upload_common.handle_library_params(trans, {}, trans.security.encode_id(folder.id))
abspath_datasets = []
kwd['filesystem_paths'] = path
if source in ['importdir_folder']:
kwd['filesystem_paths'] = os.path.join(import_base_dir, path)
# user wants to import one file only
elif source in ["userdir_file", "importdir_file"]:
file = os.path.abspath(path)
trans, kwd, os.path.basename(file), file, 'server_dir', library_bunch))
# user wants to import whole folder
elif source == "userdir_folder":
uploaded_datasets_bunch = self._get_path_paste_uploaded_datasets(
trans, kwd, library_bunch, 200, '')
uploaded_datasets = uploaded_datasets_bunch[0]
if uploaded_datasets is None:
raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound('Given folder does not contain any datasets.')
for ud in uploaded_datasets:
ud.path = os.path.abspath(ud.path)
# user wants to import from path
if source in ["admin_path", "importdir_folder"]:
# validate the path is within root
uploaded_datasets_bunch = self._get_path_paste_uploaded_datasets(
trans, kwd, library_bunch, 200, '')
uploaded_datasets = uploaded_datasets_bunch[0]
if uploaded_datasets is None:
raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound('Given folder does not contain any datasets.')
for ud in uploaded_datasets:
ud.path = os.path.abspath(ud.path)
json_file_path = upload_common.create_paramfile(trans, abspath_datasets)
data_list = [ud.data for ud in abspath_datasets]
job_params = {}
job_params['link_data_only'] = dumps(kwd.get('link_data_only', 'copy_files'))
job_params['uuid'] = dumps(kwd.get('uuid', None))
job, output = upload_common.create_job(trans, tool_params, tool, json_file_path, data_list, folder=folder, job_params=job_params)
trans.app.job_manager.enqueue(job, tool=tool)
job_dict = job.to_dict()
job_dict['id'] = trans.security.encode_id(job_dict['id'])
return job_dict
[docs] @web.expose
# TODO convert to expose_api
def download(self, trans, archive_format, **kwd):
GET /api/libraries/datasets/download/{archive_format}
POST /api/libraries/datasets/download/{archive_format}
Download requested datasets (identified by encoded IDs) in requested archive_format.
example: ``GET localhost:8080/api/libraries/datasets/download/tbz?ld_ids%255B%255D=a0d84b45643a2678&ld_ids%255B%255D=fe38c84dcd46c828``
.. note:: supported archive_format values are: 'zip', 'tgz', 'tbz', 'uncompressed'
:param archive_format: string representing requested archive archive_format
:type archive_format: string
:param ld_ids[]: an array of encoded dataset ids
:type ld_ids[]: an array
:param folder_ids[]: an array of encoded folder ids
:type folder_ids[]: an array
:returns: either archive with the requested datasets packed inside or a single uncompressed dataset
:rtype: file
:raises: MessageException, ItemDeletionException, ItemAccessibilityException, HTTPBadRequest, OSError, IOError, ObjectNotFound
library_datasets = []
datasets_to_download = kwd.get('ld_ids%5B%5D', None)
if datasets_to_download is None:
datasets_to_download = kwd.get('ld_ids', None)
if datasets_to_download is not None:
datasets_to_download = util.listify(datasets_to_download)
for dataset_id in datasets_to_download:
library_dataset = self.get_library_dataset(trans, id=dataset_id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True)
except HTTPBadRequest:
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException('Bad Request.')
except HTTPInternalServerError:
raise exceptions.InternalServerError('Internal error.')
except Exception as e:
raise exceptions.InternalServerError('Unknown error.' + util.unicodify(e))
folders_to_download = kwd.get('folder_ids%5B%5D', None)
if folders_to_download is None:
folders_to_download = kwd.get('folder_ids', None)
if folders_to_download is not None:
folders_to_download = util.listify(folders_to_download)
current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles()
def traverse(folder):
admin = trans.user_is_admin
rval = []
for subfolder in folder.active_folders:
if not admin:
can_access, folder_ids = trans.app.security_agent.check_folder_contents(trans.user, current_user_roles, subfolder)
if (admin or can_access) and not subfolder.deleted:
for ld in folder.datasets:
if not admin:
can_access = trans.app.security_agent.can_access_dataset(
if (admin or can_access) and not ld.deleted:
return rval
for encoded_folder_id in folders_to_download:
folder_id = self.folder_manager.cut_and_decode(trans, encoded_folder_id)
folder = self.folder_manager.get(trans, folder_id)
if not library_datasets:
raise exceptions.RequestParameterMissingException('Request has to contain a list of dataset ids or folder ids to download.')
if archive_format == 'zip':
archive = ZipstreamWrapper(
killme = string.punctuation + string.whitespace
trantab = str.maketrans(killme, '_' * len(killme))
seen = []
for ld in library_datasets:
ldda = ld.library_dataset_dataset_association
is_composite = ldda.datatype.composite_type
path = ""
parent_folder = ldda.library_dataset.folder
while parent_folder is not None:
# Exclude the now-hidden "root folder"
if parent_folder.parent is None:
path = os.path.join(parent_folder.library_root[0].name, path)
path = os.path.join(parent_folder.name, path)
parent_folder = parent_folder.parent
path += ldda.name
while path in seen:
path += '_'
path = f"{path}.{ldda.extension}"
zpath = os.path.split(path)[-1] # comes as base_name/fname
outfname, zpathext = os.path.splitext(zpath)
if is_composite:
# need to add all the components from the extra_files_path to the zip
if zpathext == '':
zpath = '%s.html' % zpath # fake the real nature of the html file
if archive_format == 'zip':
archive.write(ldda.dataset.file_name, zpath) # add the primary of a composite set
archive.write(ldda.dataset.file_name, zpath) # add the primary of a composite set
except OSError:
log.exception("Unable to add composite parent %s to temporary library download archive", ldda.dataset.file_name)
raise exceptions.InternalServerError("Unable to create archive for download.")
except ObjectNotFound:
log.exception("Requested dataset %s does not exist on the host.", ldda.dataset.file_name)
raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound("Requested dataset not found. ")
except Exception as e:
log.exception("Unable to add composite parent %s to temporary library download archive", ldda.dataset.file_name)
raise exceptions.InternalServerError("Unable to add composite parent to temporary library download archive. " + util.unicodify(e))
flist = glob.glob(os.path.join(ldda.dataset.extra_files_path, '*.*')) # glob returns full paths
for fpath in flist:
efp, fname = os.path.split(fpath)
if fname > '':
fname = fname.translate(trantab)
archive.write(fpath, fname)
except OSError:
log.exception("Unable to add %s to temporary library download archive %s", fname, outfname)
raise exceptions.InternalServerError("Unable to create archive for download.")
except ObjectNotFound:
log.exception("Requested dataset %s does not exist on the host.", fpath)
raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound("Requested dataset not found.")
except Exception as e:
log.exception("Unable to add %s to temporary library download archive %s", fname, outfname)
raise exceptions.InternalServerError("Unable to add dataset to temporary library download archive . " + util.unicodify(e))
archive.write(ldda.dataset.file_name, path)
except OSError:
log.exception("Unable to write %s to temporary library download archive", ldda.dataset.file_name)
raise exceptions.InternalServerError("Unable to create archive for download")
except ObjectNotFound:
log.exception("Requested dataset %s does not exist on the host.", ldda.dataset.file_name)
raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound("Requested dataset not found.")
except Exception as e:
log.exception("Unable to add %s to temporary library download archive %s", ldda.dataset.file_name, outfname)
raise exceptions.InternalServerError("Unknown error. " + util.unicodify(e))
return archive.response()
elif archive_format == 'uncompressed':
if len(library_datasets) != 1:
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("You can download only one uncompressed file at once.")
single_ld = library_datasets[0]
ldda = single_ld.library_dataset_dataset_association
dataset = ldda.dataset
fStat = os.stat(dataset.file_name)
trans.response.headers['Content-Length'] = str(fStat.st_size)
fname = f"{ldda.name}.{ldda.extension}"
fname = ''.join(c in util.FILENAME_VALID_CHARS and c or '_' for c in fname)[0:150]
trans.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % fname
return open(dataset.file_name, 'rb')
except Exception:
raise exceptions.InternalServerError("This dataset contains no content.")
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("Wrong archive_format parameter specified")