Galaxy InteractiveTools ======================= Galaxy Interactive Tools allows launching a container-backed Galaxy Tool and enabling a Galaxy User to gain access to content inside in real-time. How Galaxy InteractiveTools work -------------------------------- A InteractiveTool is defined in the same familiar way as standard Galaxy Tools, but are specified with **tool_type="interactive"**, and providing additional entry point information: .. code-block:: xml 80 **Note** that name, port, and url are each able to be templated from the InteractiveTool's parameter dictionary. Some important benefits of using Galaxy InteractiveTools -------------------------------------------------------- - You can have and access **any number of InteractiveTools at a time** (admin configurable) - If you accidentally close the **InteractiveTool browser window**, you can **regain access** by selecting from a **list of active InteractiveTools** - A single **InteractiveTool** can **grant access** to **multiple running applications, servers, and interfaces** - **InteractiveTools** can be **added to** Galaxy **Workflows** - **Native, out-of-the box support for InteractiveTools** in Galaxy via uWSGI proxying - **InteractiveTools** are **bonafide Galaxy Tools**; just specify **tool_type as "interactive"** and list the ports you want to expose - **InteractiveTools** can be **added** to and **installed from the ToolShed**. - **R Shiny apps**, **Javascript-based VNC** access to desktop environments, **genome-browsers-in-a-box**, **interactive notebook environments**, etc, are all possible with **InteractiveTools** Server-side configuration of Galaxy InteractiveTools ---------------------------------------------------- The **galaxy.yml** file will need to be populated as seen in **config/galaxy.yml.interactivetools**. In the **uwsgi:** section: .. code-block:: yaml http-raw-body: true # master: true interactivetools_map: database/interactivetools_map.sqlite python-raw: scripts/interactivetools/ route-host: ^([A-Za-z0-9]+(?:-[A-Za-z0-9]+)*)-([A-Za-z0-9]+(?:-[A-Za-z0-9]+)*)\.([A-Za-z0-9]+(?:-[A-Za-z0-9]+)*)\.(interactivetool\.localhost:8080)$ goto:interactivetool route-run: goto:endendend route-label: interactivetool route-host: ^([A-Za-z0-9]+(?:-[A-Za-z0-9]+)*)-([A-Za-z0-9]+(?:-[A-Za-z0-9]+)*)\.([A-Za-z0-9]+(?:-[A-Za-z0-9]+)*)\.(interactivetool\.localhost:8080)$ rpcvar:TARGET_HOST rtt_key_type_token_mapper_cached $1 $3 $2 $4 $0 5 route-if-not: empty:${TARGET_HOST} httpdumb:${TARGET_HOST} route: .* break:404 Not Found route-label: endendend In the **galaxy:** section: .. code-block:: yaml interactivetools_enable: true The admin should modify the **route-host**s and **interactivetools_prefix** to match their preferred configuration. An example **job_conf.xml** file as seen in **config/job_conf.xml.interactivetools**: .. code-block:: xml true $galaxy_root:ro,$tool_directory:ro,$job_directory:rw,$working_directory:rw,$default_file_path:ro false bridge true true docker_dispatch docker_local local Alternatively to the local job runner, InteractiveTools have been enabled for the condor job runner, e.g.: .. code-block:: xml true false **Note on resource consumption:** Keep in mind that Distributed Resource Management (DRM) / cluster systems may have a maximum runtime configured for jobs. From the Galaxy point of view, such a container could run as long as the user desires, this may not be advisable and an admin may want to restrict the runtime of InteractiveTools *(and jobs in general)*. However, if the job is killed by the DRM, the user is not informed beforehand and data in the container could be discarded. Some **example test InteractiveTools** have been defined, and can be added to the **config/tool_conf.xml**: .. code-block:: xml