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Source code for galaxy.datatypes.display_applications.parameters
# Contains parameters that are used in Display Applications
import mimetypes
from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote_plus
from galaxy.util import string_as_bool
from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch
from galaxy.util.template import fill_template
[docs]class DisplayApplicationParameter(object):
""" Abstract Class for Display Application Parameters """
type = None
[docs] @classmethod
def from_elem(cls, elem, link):
param_type = elem.get('type', None)
assert param_type, 'DisplayApplicationParameter requires a type'
return parameter_type_to_class[param_type](elem, link)
[docs] def __init__(self, elem, link):
self.name = elem.get('name', None)
assert self.name, 'DisplayApplicationParameter requires a name'
self.link = link
self.url = elem.get('url', self.name) # name used in url for display purposes defaults to name; e.g. want the form of file.ext, where a '.' is not allowed as python variable name/keyword
self.mime_type = elem.get('mimetype', None)
self.guess_mime_type = string_as_bool(elem.get('guess_mimetype', 'False'))
self.viewable = string_as_bool(elem.get('viewable', 'False')) # only allow these to be viewed via direct url when explicitly set to viewable
self.strip = string_as_bool(elem.get('strip', 'False'))
self.strip_https = string_as_bool(elem.get('strip_https', 'False'))
self.allow_override = string_as_bool(elem.get('allow_override', 'False')) # Passing query param app_<name>=<value> to dataset controller allows override if this is true.
self.allow_cors = string_as_bool(elem.get('allow_cors', 'False'))
[docs] def get_value(self, other_values, dataset_hash, user_hash, trans):
raise Exception('get_value() is unimplemented for DisplayApplicationDataParameter')
[docs] def prepare(self, other_values, dataset_hash, user_hash, trans):
return self.get_value(other_values, dataset_hash, user_hash, trans)
[docs]class DisplayApplicationDataParameter(DisplayApplicationParameter):
""" Parameter that returns a file_name containing the requested content """
type = 'data'
[docs] def __init__(self, elem, link):
DisplayApplicationParameter.__init__(self, elem, link)
self.extensions = elem.get('format', None)
if self.extensions:
self.extensions = self.extensions.split(",")
self.metadata = elem.get('metadata', None)
self.allow_extra_files_access = string_as_bool(elem.get('allow_extra_files_access', 'False'))
self.dataset = elem.get('dataset', DEFAULT_DATASET_NAME) # 'dataset' is default name assigned to dataset to be displayed
assert not (self.extensions and self.metadata), 'A format or a metadata can be defined for a DisplayApplicationParameter, but not both.'
assert not (self.allow_extra_files_access and self.metadata), 'allow_extra_files_access or metadata can be defined for a DisplayApplicationParameter, but not both.'
self.viewable = string_as_bool(elem.get('viewable', 'True')) # data params should be viewable
self.force_url_param = string_as_bool(elem.get('force_url_param', 'False'))
self.force_conversion = string_as_bool(elem.get('force_conversion', 'False'))
def formats(self):
if self.extensions:
return tuple(map(type, map(self.link.display_application.app.datatypes_registry.get_datatype_by_extension, self.extensions)))
return None
def _get_dataset_like_object(self, other_values):
# this returned object has file_name, state, and states attributes equivalent to a DatasetAssociation
data = other_values.get(self.dataset, None)
assert data, 'Base dataset could not be found in values provided to DisplayApplicationDataParameter'
if isinstance(data, DisplayDataValueWrapper):
data = data.value
if self.metadata:
rval = getattr(data.metadata, self.metadata, None)
assert rval, 'Unknown metadata name (%s) provided for dataset type (%s).' % (self.metadata, data.datatype.__class__.name)
return Bunch(file_name=rval.file_name, state=data.state, states=data.states, extension='data')
elif self.extensions and (self.force_conversion or not isinstance(data.datatype, self.formats)):
for ext in self.extensions:
rval = data.get_converted_files_by_type(ext)
if rval:
return rval
assert data.find_conversion_destination(self.formats)[0] is not None, "No conversion path found for data param: %s" % self.name
return None
return data
[docs] def get_value(self, other_values, dataset_hash, user_hash, trans):
data = self._get_dataset_like_object(other_values)
if data:
return DisplayDataValueWrapper(data, self, other_values, dataset_hash, user_hash, trans)
return None
[docs] def prepare(self, other_values, dataset_hash, user_hash, trans):
data = self._get_dataset_like_object(other_values)
if not data and self.formats:
data = other_values.get(self.dataset, None)
# start conversion
# FIXME: Much of this is copied (more than once...); should be some abstract method elsewhere called from here
# find target ext
target_ext, converted_dataset = data.find_conversion_destination(self.formats, converter_safe=True)
if target_ext and not converted_dataset:
if isinstance(data, DisplayDataValueWrapper):
data = data.value
new_data = next(iter(data.datatype.convert_dataset(trans, data, target_ext, return_output=True, visible=False).values()))
new_data.hid = data.hid
new_data.name = data.name
assoc = trans.app.model.ImplicitlyConvertedDatasetAssociation(parent=data, file_type=target_ext, dataset=new_data, metadata_safe=False)
elif converted_dataset and converted_dataset.state == converted_dataset.states.ERROR:
raise Exception("Dataset conversion failed for data parameter: %s" % self.name)
return self.get_value(other_values, dataset_hash, user_hash, trans)
[docs] def is_preparing(self, other_values):
value = self._get_dataset_like_object(other_values)
if value and value.state in (value.states.NEW, value.states.UPLOAD, value.states.QUEUED, value.states.RUNNING):
return True
return False
[docs] def ready(self, other_values):
value = self._get_dataset_like_object(other_values)
if value:
if value.state == value.states.OK:
return True
elif value.state == value.states.ERROR:
raise Exception('A data display parameter is in the error state: %s' % (self.name))
return False
[docs]class DisplayApplicationTemplateParameter(DisplayApplicationParameter):
""" Parameter that returns a string containing the requested content """
type = 'template'
[docs] def __init__(self, elem, link):
DisplayApplicationParameter.__init__(self, elem, link)
self.text = elem.text or ''
[docs] def get_value(self, other_values, dataset_hash, user_hash, trans):
value = fill_template(self.text, context=other_values)
if self.strip:
value = value.strip()
return DisplayParameterValueWrapper(value, self, other_values, dataset_hash, user_hash, trans)
parameter_type_to_class = {DisplayApplicationDataParameter.type: DisplayApplicationDataParameter,
DisplayApplicationTemplateParameter.type: DisplayApplicationTemplateParameter}
[docs]class DisplayParameterValueWrapper(object):
ACTION_NAME = 'param'
[docs] def __init__(self, value, parameter, other_values, dataset_hash, user_hash, trans):
self.value = value
self.parameter = parameter
self.other_values = other_values
self.trans = trans
self._dataset_hash = dataset_hash
self._user_hash = user_hash
self._url = self.parameter.build_url(self.other_values)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.value)
[docs] def mime_type(self, action_param_extra=None):
if self.parameter.mime_type is not None:
return self.parameter.mime_type
if self.parameter.guess_mime_type:
mime, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(self._url)
if not mime:
mime = self.trans.app.datatypes_registry.get_mimetype_by_extension(".".split(self._url)[-1], None)
if mime:
return mime
return 'text/plain'
def url(self):
base_url = self.trans.request.base
if self.parameter.strip_https and base_url[: 5].lower() == 'https':
base_url = "http%s" % base_url[5:]
return "%s%s" % (base_url,
def action_name(self):
return self.ACTION_NAME
def qp(self):
# returns quoted str contents
return self.other_values['qp'](str(self))
def __getattr__(self, key):
return getattr(self.value, key)
[docs]class DisplayDataValueWrapper(DisplayParameterValueWrapper):
ACTION_NAME = 'data'
def __str__(self):
# string of data param is filename
return str(self.value.file_name)
[docs] def mime_type(self, action_param_extra=None):
if self.parameter.mime_type is not None:
return self.parameter.mime_type
if self.parameter.guess_mime_type:
if action_param_extra:
mime, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(action_param_extra)
mime, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(self._url)
if not mime:
if action_param_extra:
mime = self.trans.app.datatypes_registry.get_mimetype_by_extension(".".split(action_param_extra)[-1], None)
if not mime:
mime = self.trans.app.datatypes_registry.get_mimetype_by_extension(".".split(self._url)[-1], None)
if mime:
return mime
if hasattr(self.value, 'get_mime'):
return self.value.get_mime()
return self.other_values[DEFAULT_DATASET_NAME].get_mime()
def action_name(self):
if self.parameter.force_url_param:
return super(DisplayParameterValueWrapper, self).action_name
return self.ACTION_NAME
def qp(self):
# returns quoted url contents
return self.other_values['qp'](self.url)