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Source code for galaxy.webapps.tool_shed.model.migrate.versions.0022_add_repository_admin_roles
Migration script to create the repository_role_association table, insert name-spaced
repository administrative roles into the role table and associate each repository and
owner with the appropriate name-spaced role.
from __future__ import print_function
import datetime
import logging
import sys
from sqlalchemy import Column, DateTime, ForeignKey, Integer, MetaData, Table
from sqlalchemy.exc import NoSuchTableError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
format = "%(name)s %(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(message)s"
formatter = logging.Formatter(format)
metadata = MetaData()
NOW = datetime.datetime.utcnow
ROLE_TYPE = 'system'
RepositoryRoleAssociation_table = Table("repository_role_association", metadata,
Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
Column("repository_id", Integer, ForeignKey("repository.id"), index=True),
Column("role_id", Integer, ForeignKey("role.id"), index=True),
Column("create_time", DateTime, default=NOW),
Column("update_time", DateTime, default=NOW, onupdate=NOW))
[docs]def nextval(migrate_engine, table, col='id'):
if migrate_engine.name in ['postgresql', 'postgres']:
return "nextval('%s_%s_seq')" % (table, col)
elif migrate_engine.name in ['mysql', 'sqlite']:
return "null"
raise Exception('Unable to convert data for unknown database type: %s' % migrate_engine.name)
[docs]def localtimestamp(migrate_engine):
if migrate_engine.name in ['postgresql', 'postgres', 'mysql']:
elif migrate_engine.name == 'sqlite':
return "current_date || ' ' || current_time"
raise Exception('Unable to convert data for unknown database type: %s' % migrate_engine.name)
[docs]def boolean_false(migrate_engine):
if migrate_engine.name in ['postgresql', 'postgres', 'mysql']:
return False
elif migrate_engine.name == 'sqlite':
return 0
raise Exception('Unable to convert data for unknown database type: %s' % migrate_engine.name)
[docs]def upgrade(migrate_engine):
metadata.bind = migrate_engine
# Create the new repository_role_association table.
except Exception:
log.exception("Creating repository_role_association table failed.")
# Select the list of repositories and associated public user names for their owners.
user_ids = []
repository_ids = []
role_names = []
cmd = 'SELECT repository.id, repository.name, repository.user_id, galaxy_user.username FROM repository, galaxy_user WHERE repository.user_id = galaxy_user.id;'
for row in migrate_engine.execute(cmd):
repository_id = row[0]
name = row[1]
user_id = row[2]
username = row[3]
role_names.append('%s_%s_admin' % (str(name), str(username)))
# Insert a new record into the role table for each new role.
for tup in zip(repository_ids, user_ids, role_names):
repository_id, user_id, role_name = tup
cmd = "INSERT INTO role VALUES ("
cmd += "%s, " % nextval(migrate_engine, 'role')
cmd += "%s, " % localtimestamp(migrate_engine)
cmd += "%s, " % localtimestamp(migrate_engine)
cmd += "'%s', " % role_name
cmd += "'A user or group member with this role can administer this repository.', "
cmd += "'%s', " % ROLE_TYPE
cmd += "%s" % boolean_false(migrate_engine)
cmd += ");"
# Get the id of the new role.
cmd = "SELECT id FROM role WHERE name = '%s' and type = '%s';" % (role_name, ROLE_TYPE)
row = migrate_engine.execute(cmd).fetchone()
if row:
role_id = row[0]
role_id = None
if role_id:
# Create a repository_role_association record to associate the repository with the new role.
cmd = "INSERT INTO repository_role_association VALUES ("
cmd += "%s, " % nextval(migrate_engine, 'repository_role_association')
cmd += "%d, " % int(repository_id)
cmd += "%d, " % int(role_id)
cmd += "%s, " % localtimestamp(migrate_engine)
cmd += "%s " % localtimestamp(migrate_engine)
cmd += ");"
# Create a user_role_association record to associate the repository owner with the new role.
cmd = "INSERT INTO user_role_association VALUES ("
cmd += "%s, " % nextval(migrate_engine, 'user_role_association')
cmd += "%d, " % int(user_id)
cmd += "%d, " % int(role_id)
cmd += "%s, " % localtimestamp(migrate_engine)
cmd += "%s " % localtimestamp(migrate_engine)
cmd += ");"
[docs]def downgrade(migrate_engine):
metadata.bind = migrate_engine
# Determine the list of roles to delete by first selecting the list of repositories and associated
# public user names for their owners.
role_names = []
cmd = 'SELECT name, username FROM repository, galaxy_user WHERE repository.user_id = galaxy_user.id;'
for row in migrate_engine.execute(cmd):
name = row[0]
username = row[1]
role_names.append('%s_%s_admin' % (str(name), str(username)))
# Delete each role as well as all users associated with each role.
for role_name in role_names:
# Select the id of the record associated with the current role_name from the role table.
cmd = "SELECT id, name FROM role WHERE name = '%s';" % role_name
row = migrate_engine.execute(cmd).fetchone()
if row:
role_id = row[0]
role_id = None
if role_id:
# Delete all user_role_association records for the current role.
cmd = "DELETE FROM user_role_association WHERE role_id = %d;" % int(role_id)
# Delete all repository_role_association records for the current role.
cmd = "DELETE FROM repository_role_association WHERE role_id = %d;" % int(role_id)
# Delete the role from the role table.
cmd = "DELETE FROM role WHERE id = %d;" % int(role_id)
# Drop the repository_role_association table.
RepositoryRoleAssociation_table = Table("repository_role_association", metadata, autoload=True)
except NoSuchTableError:
log.debug("Failed loading table repository_role_association")
except Exception:
log.exception("Dropping repository_role_association table failed.")