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Source code for galaxy.model.migrate.versions.0074_add_purged_column_to_library_dataset_table
Migration script to add 'purged' column to the library_dataset table.
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, MetaData
from galaxy.model.migrate.versions.util import add_column, drop_column, engine_false, engine_true
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
metadata = MetaData()
[docs]def upgrade(migrate_engine):
metadata.bind = migrate_engine
c = Column('purged', Boolean, index=True, default=False)
add_column(c, 'library_dataset', metadata, index_name='ix_library_dataset_purged')
# Update the purged flag to the default False
cmd = "UPDATE library_dataset SET purged = %s;" % engine_false(migrate_engine)
except Exception:
log.exception("Setting default data for library_dataset.purged column failed.")
# Update the purged flag for those LibaryDatasets whose purged flag should be True. This happens
# when the LibraryDataset has no active LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociations.
cmd = "SELECT * FROM library_dataset WHERE deleted = %s;" % engine_true(migrate_engine)
deleted_lds = migrate_engine.execute(cmd).fetchall()
for row in deleted_lds:
cmd = "SELECT * FROM library_dataset_dataset_association WHERE library_dataset_id = %d AND library_dataset_dataset_association.deleted = %s;" % (int(row.id), engine_false(migrate_engine))
active_lddas = migrate_engine.execute(cmd).fetchall()
if not active_lddas:
print("Updating purged column to True for LibraryDataset id : ", int(row.id))
cmd = "UPDATE library_dataset SET purged = %s WHERE id = %d;" % (engine_true(migrate_engine), int(row.id))
[docs]def downgrade(migrate_engine):
metadata.bind = migrate_engine
# SQLAlchemy Migrate has a bug when dropping a boolean column in SQLite
if migrate_engine.name != 'sqlite':
drop_column('purged', 'library_dataset', metadata)