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Source code for galaxy.datatypes.qualityscore

Qualityscore class
import logging

from . import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class QualityScore(data.Text): """ until we know more about quality score formats """ edam_data = "data_2048" edam_format = "format_3606" file_ext = "qual"
[docs]@sniff.build_sniff_from_prefix class QualityScoreSOLiD(QualityScore): """ until we know more about quality score formats """ edam_format = "format_3610" file_ext = "qualsolid"
[docs] def sniff_prefix(self, file_prefix): """ >>> from galaxy.datatypes.sniff import get_test_fname >>> fname = get_test_fname( 'sequence.fasta' ) >>> QualityScoreSOLiD().sniff( fname ) False >>> fname = get_test_fname( 'sequence.qualsolid' ) >>> QualityScoreSOLiD().sniff( fname ) True """ fh = file_prefix.string_io() readlen = None goodblock = 0 while True: line = fh.readline() if not line: if goodblock > 0: return True else: break # EOF line = line.strip() if line and not line.startswith('#'): # first non-empty non-comment line if line.startswith('>'): line = fh.readline().strip() if line == '' or line.startswith('>'): break try: [int(x) for x in line.split()] if not(readlen): readlen = len(line.split()) assert len(line.split()) == readlen # SOLiD reads should be of the same length except Exception: break goodblock += 1 if goodblock > 10: return True else: break # we found a non-empty line, but it's not a header return False
[docs] def set_meta(self, dataset, **kwd): if self.max_optional_metadata_filesize >= 0 and dataset.get_size() > self.max_optional_metadata_filesize: dataset.metadata.data_lines = None return return QualityScore.set_meta(self, dataset, **kwd)
[docs]@sniff.build_sniff_from_prefix class QualityScore454(QualityScore): """ until we know more about quality score formats """ edam_format = "format_3611" file_ext = "qual454"
[docs] def sniff_prefix(self, file_prefix): """ >>> from galaxy.datatypes.sniff import get_test_fname >>> fname = get_test_fname( 'sequence.fasta' ) >>> QualityScore454().sniff( fname ) False >>> fname = get_test_fname( 'sequence.qual454' ) >>> QualityScore454().sniff( fname ) True """ fh = file_prefix.string_io() while True: line = fh.readline() if not line: break # EOF line = line.strip() if line and not line.startswith('#'): # first non-empty non-comment line if line.startswith('>'): line = fh.readline().strip() if line == '' or line.startswith('>'): break try: [int(x) for x in line.split()] except Exception: break return True else: break # we found a non-empty line, but it's not a header return False
[docs]class QualityScoreSolexa(QualityScore): """ until we know more about quality score formats """ edam_format = "format_3608" file_ext = "qualsolexa"
[docs]class QualityScoreIllumina(QualityScore): """ until we know more about quality score formats """ edam_format = "format_3609" file_ext = "qualillumina"